Data Structures using C Language / AVL Search Trees Implementation using C program

------- AVL TREE -------- 
1. Insert          2. Delete       3. Search    4. Inorder     5. Preorder    6. Postorder
7. EXIT 
Enter Your Choice: 1   
Enter Data : 9
Do you want to Continue: y
1. Insert          2. Delete       3. Search    4. Inorder     5. Preorder    6. Postorder
7. EXIT 
Enter Your Choice: 1   
Enter Data : 3
Do you want to Continue: y
1. Insert          2. Delete       3. Search    4. Inorder     5. Preorder    6. Postorder
7. EXIT 
Enter Your Choice: 1   
Enter Data : 6
Do you want to Continue: y
1. Insert          2. Delete       3. Search    4. Inorder     5. Preorder    6. Postorder
7. EXIT 
Enter Your Choice: 5 
6 3 9
Do you want to Continue: y

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