CPP Language / Tokens, Identifiers & Keywords

Tokens in CPP Language
Each and every smallest individual unit in a CPP program are known as CPP tokens and considered as basic buildings blocks of CPP language.CPP tokens are of 6 types. They were

Tokens Type Example
Keywords These are the predefined words used for a particular purpose in the program.
Example: For, int, while e.t.c
Identifiers It is a name used to identify a variable / function / any other thing defined by user and it starts with a letter A to Z, a to z, or an underscore '_' followed by letters, and digits (0 to 9) and punctuation characters not are allowed (Like @, $, and %) within identifiers. Identifiers are case sensitive i.e "SUM", "sum" are treated differently.
main, total e.t.c
Constants Constants are fixed values they dont change during the execution of a program.
Constants Types in C++
Integer constants –store int data type values.
const int a = 10;

Floating constants – store float data type values.
const float b = 20.1234;

Character constants – store character data type value.
const char c = ‘w’;

String constants – store collection of character data type values.
const char d[] = ‘‘Wisdom Materials;
Strings “sum”, “average”,”total”
Special symbols Brackets[], Parentheses(), Braces{},
comma (, ), semi colon, asterick (*),
assignment operator, pre processor(#)
Operators Operator is symbol used to perform operation. Types of Operators:
Arithmetic(+, -, *, /, %), Relational(==, !=, >, <, >=,<=),
Logical(&&, ||, !), Assignment(=, +=, -=, *=,/=, %=, <<=,>>=, &=, ^=,|=),
Conditional(?:), Bitwise,Ternary(<<, !=, >>, ~,&, ^, |)

keywords List in CPP language
do for float continue
void else if switch
struct enum register char
typedef static return default
const int short volatile
while double break signed
union long sizeof unsigned
extern goto auto case
typeid false catch new
this delete try explicit
export typename using inline
asm namespace class throw
private protected public true
static_cast template const_cast operator
reinterpret_cast dynamic_cast mutable bool
friend virtual wchar_t

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