CPP Language / Constructors and Their Types

It is function of class and is automatically called when object (instance of class) created.

Differences between Constructor and normal functions
Constructor Normal Functions
same name as the class name Class name differs from function name.
don’t have return type have return type
when object created it is automatically called objectname.fuctionname(parameters);
If you won’t specify constructor in program C++ compiler generates a default constructor you won’t specify function in program C++ compiler won’t generates a default function

Constructors Types
Constructors Types Details Syntax
Default Won’t Take parameters Class_name()
Parameterized Take parameters Class_name(parameters)
Copy Take parameters Class_name(Const Class_name Old_Object )

Constructor Type Program Output
Default constructor
using namespace std;

class a
int b, c;

// Default Constructor
{ b = 10; c = 20; }

int main()
a aobj;
cout << "b: " << aobj.b << endl << "c: " << aobj.c;
return 1;

b: 10
c: 20
Parameterized Constructors
using namespace std;
class a
int x, y;

// Parameterized Constructor
a(int x1, int y1)
{ x = x1; y = y1; }

int getX() { return x; }
int getY() { return y; }

int main()
a d1(10, 15);
cout << "d1.x = " << d1.getX() << ", d1.y = " << d1.getY();
return 0;

d1.x = 10, d1.y = 15
Copy Constructor
using namespace std;
class a
private: int x, y; //data members

a(int x1, int y1)
{ x = x1; y = y1;}

/* Copy constructor */
a (const a &oldobj)
{ x = oldobj.x; y = oldobj.y; }

void display()
{ cout< };
int main()
a obj1(10, 15);
cout<<"Normal constructor : ";

a obj2 = obj1;
cout<<"Copy constructor : ";
return 0;

Normal constructor : 10 15
Copy constructor : 10 15

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