Interesting Topics / Golden Poison Dart Frog

Golden Poison Dart Frog It is a poison dart frog endemic to the Pacific coast of Colombia.
Other Names Golden poison frog / golden frog / golden poison arrow frog / golden dart frog
Scientific name Phyllobates terribilis
Length 5.5 cm (Adult)
Higher classification Poison dart frogs
Family Dendrobatidae
Class Amphibia
What happens if you touch a golden dart frog? It keeps its poison in glands beneath its skin, so any reckless human taking a bite would be in trouble immediately. Other poison dart frogs are far less toxic than the golden poison frog, and only a handful of species pose a risk to humans
Can a poison dart frog kill you? Yes, poison in its skin when touched / eaten can cause death.
How fast can a golden poison dart frog kill you? It contain enough poison to kill more than 10 people.
How its poison kills a person? Its poison prevents nerves from transmitting impulses, which leads to heart failure and within 10 minutes death occurs and there is no cure.
What does it eat? Flies, crickets, ants, termites and beetles.
Do frog bites hurt? It just creates pain that to only couple species of frogs that bite.
How long do dart frogs live? 4- 12 years
What most poisonous frog on earth? The golden poison frog (Phyllobates terribilis)
Where does the It live? Wet forest streams and dry forest streams.
Where can we find these? slopes of the Central Cordilleran rainforests and cloud forests of western central Panama
Level where they live 1,100 to 4,300 feet above sea level.
Image Golden Poison Dart Frog

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