Machine learning / MachinelearningIntroduction

It is the scientific study of algorithms and statistical models that computer systems use to perform a specific. Its algorithms build a mathematical model based on sample / training data in order to make predictions / decisions without being explicitly programmed to perform the task.

Data Set
It a data set is any collection of data from list / set / array / file / data base e.t.c . It can be anything from an array to a complete database.

Data Types
It is an attribute of data which tells the compiler / interpreter how programmer intends to use the data.

Data Type Details
Numerical These are numbers.They are of 2 types.
Discrete Data
-These are numbers that are limited to integers.
Continuous Data
-These are numbers that are of infinite value.
Categorical It represents characteristics (persons gender, marital status, e.t.c) and can take on numerical values also but don’t have mathematical meaning.
Ordinal It with the property that its values can be counted.

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