Interesting Topics / Most Poisonous Pufferfish

Pufferfish Scientific name Tetraodontidae
Phylum Chordata
Class Actinopterygii
Higher classification Tetraodontiformes
Family Tetraodontidae; Bonaparte, 1832
Family Includes Species Pufferfish, puffers, balloonfish, blowfish, blowies, bubblefish, globefish, swellfish, toadfish, toadies, honey toads, sugar toads, and sea squab.
Kingdom Animalia
Is it safe to touch a puffer fish? It is a fish extremely toxic to humans and animals and is poisoned by spikes.
Are pufferfish and Blowfish the same? Yes, within the order Tetraodontiformes.
Do puffer fish bite humans? No they don't bite or sting but they poisoned by spikes by cyanide.
Why do pufferfish puff up? It puff up is a defense mechanism and they threaten predator by its shape doubled or more its original size, round and covered in spines is much more difficult to bite.
Can you survive tetrodotoxin? No, It contains a potent neurotoxin called tetrodotoxin, and eating the fish can kill a person.
pufferfish can paralyze you? Yes, eating pufferfish liver is risky contains a high concentration of a deadly poison known as tetrodotoxin (TTX), which causes paralysis if ingested.
Can pufferfish breathe air? Yes, can breathe just fine while inflated.
Who eats pufferfish? Sharks(Tiger sharks)
Classification of a puffer fish? Ray-finned fishes
Is there a cure for puffer fish poison? No, there is no antidote available till.
How do pufferfish reproduce? By laying eggs.
Why are pufferfish dangerous? It contains tetrodotoxin which is a toxin to humans and is 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide and there is no known antidote.

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