Interesting Topics / Most Venomous Snake Black Mamba

Black Mamba It is most venomous snake belongs to the family Elapidae. It is native to parts of sub-Saharan Africa.
Scientific Name Dendroaspis polylepis
Higher Classification Mambas
Order Scaled reptiles
Family Elapidae
Class Reptilia
Species D. polylepis
Genus Dendroaspis
How fast can its bite kill you? 30 minutes to 3 hours or longer.
Its bite can kill a elephant? Yes in few hours
Do it attack humans? Yes, it attacks humans only if it is threatened / cornered.
How many people dies a year from its bite? 20,000 people
How long do you have to live if bitten by a it? 6 hours
What does it eat? Rodents, squirrels and eat birds.
What age does it die? 11 to 20 years.
What is the fastest snake in the world? It moves at speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour.
Image Black Mamba

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