Cloud Computing / Scaling in Cloud Computing

Scaling is the process of adding / removing cloud computing resources as you need them and allow you to drop the costs. Pricing Based utility model of Scale Up and Scale Down of resources (services, systems and applications).

Scaling Operations Resources Pricing
Scale Up Add resources More Price / Billing
Scale Down Remove resources Less Price / Billing

Types of Scaling in Cloud Computing

S.No Scaling Type Details
1 Vertical Scaling (Easy) It adds more power (RAM, Storage (SSDs) and processors) to an existing instance.
2 Horizontal Scaling (complex) It adds more servers to spread the load across multiple machines for the administration tasks (updates, security, monitoring, application sync, data and backups).
3 Auto Scaling It is automatically done using an API for automatic settlements like Bank transactions.
4 Side-by-side Scaling It adds more instances (development and test instances of a service as required by a project.) on demand.
5 Global Scaling Scaling a service to run in different geographical locations to serve the user needs by the data center close to it. Example CDN to serve videos geographically distributed different data centers.

Scalable Areas

Scalable Cloud Based Services Scalability applies to Systems 4 general areas
1. Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS).
2. Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS).
3. Storage-as-a-Service (STaaS).
4. Data-as-a-Service (DaaS).
5. Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS).
1. Disk I/O.
2. Memory.
3. Network I/O.
4. CPU.

Cloud Computing Scalability Benefits

S.NO Cloud Scalability Benefits Details
1 Performance It is used to improve response time in handling burst traffic and heavy workloads
2 Cost-efficient Pay for what you use.
3 Easy and Quick Scaling has to be done automatically with a few clicks after the payment processing.
4 Capacity User’s needs have to be fulfilled based on growing needs of the business.
5 Scalability admonition Scaling up / down should warn the user about the resources he posses.
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