FullForms / Share marketFull Forms List

S.No Acronym Acronym
1 ADB Asian Development Bank
2 ADRs American Depository Receipts
3 AIFIs All India Financial Institutions
4 ALBM Automated Lending and Borrowing Mechanism
5 ALBRS Automated Lending and Borrowing under Rolling Settlement
6 AMC Asset Management Company
7 AMFI Association of Mutual Funds in India
8 ASC Accounting Standards Committee
9 ASBA Applications Supported by Blocked Amount
10 ATM At The Money
11 ATSs Alternative trading system
12 B2B Business to Business
13 BIFR Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
14 BIS Bank for International Settlement
15 BLESS Borrowing and Lending Securities Scheme
16 BMC Base Minimum Capital
17 BSE The Stock Exchange, Mumbai
18 CBDT Central Board of Direct Taxes
19 CC Clearing Corporation
20 CCIL Clearing Corporation of India Limited
21 CDs Certificate of Deposits
22 CDSL Central Depository Services (India) Limited
23 CFM Carry Forward Margin
24 CFRS Carry Forward under Rolling Settlement
25 CH Clearing House
26 CIMC Collective Investment Management Company
27 CISs Collective Investment Schemes
28 CIVs Collective Investment Vehicles
29 CLF Collateralized Lending Facility
30 CM Clearing Member
31 CM Segment Capital Market Segment of NSE
32 CMIE Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
33 COSI Committee on Settlement Issues
34 COTI Committee of Trade Issues
35 CP Custodial Participant
36 CPs Commercial Papers
37 CRAs Credit Rating Agencies
38 CRISIL Credit Rating Information Services of India Limited
39 CRR Cash Reserve Ratio
40 CSD Collateral Security Deposit
41 CSE Calcutta Stock Exchange
42 DCA Department of Company Affairs
43 DDBs Deep Discount Bonds
44 DEA Department of Economic Affairs
45 DFIs Development Financial Institutions
46 DNS Deferred Net Settlement
47 DPs Depository Participants
48 DRR Debenture Redemption Reserve
49 DSCE Debt Securities Convertible into Equity
50 DVP Delivery versus Payment
51 ECB Euro Commercial Borrowings
52 ECNS Electronic communication Networks
53 EDGAR Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval
54 EDIFAR Electronic Data Information Filing and Retrieval
55 EFT Electronic Fund Transfer
56 ELSS Equity Linked Saving Schemes
57 EPS Earning Per Share
58 ETFs Exchange Traded Funds
59 F&O Futures and Options
60 FCCBs Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds
61 FDI Foreign Direct Investment
62 FDRs Foreign Deposit Receipts
63 FDs Fixed Deposits
64 FIBV International World Federation of Stock Exchanges
65 FIIs Foreign Institutional Investors
66 FIMMDA Fixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association
67 FIs Financial Institutions
68 FRAs Forward Rate Agreements
69 FVCIs Foreign Venture Capital Investors
70 GDP Gross Domestic Product
71 GDRs Global Deposit Receipts
72 GDS Gross Domestic Savings
73 GNP Gross National Product
74 GOI Government of India
75 G Sec Government Securities
76 I BEX ICICI Securities Bond Index
77 IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
78 ICAI Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
79 ICDR Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements
80 ICICI Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited.
81 ICSE Inter Connected Stock Exchange of India Limited
82 IDBI Industrial Development Bank of India
83 IFC International Finance Corporation
84 IFSD Interest Free Security Deposit
85 IIM Indian Institute of Management
86 IISL India Index Services and Products Limited
87 IOC Immediate or Cancel
88 IOSCO International Organization of Securities Commission
89 IPF Investor Protection Fund
90 IPO Initial Public Offer
91 IRDA Insurance Regulatory and Devevlopment Authority
92 IRS Interest Rate Swap
93 ISIN International Securities Identification Number
94 ISSA International Securities Services Association
95 IT Information Technology
96 ITM In The Money
97 LAF Liquidity Adjustment Facility
98 LIC Life Insurance Corporation of India Limited
99 MCFS Modified Carry Forward System
100 MFs Mutual Funds
101 MFSS Mutual Fund Service System
102 MIBID Mumbai Inter bank Bid Rate
103 MIBOR Mumbai Inter bank Offer Rate
104 MMMF Money Market Mutual Fund
105 MNCs Multi National Companies
106 MOU Memorandum of Understanding
107 MTM Mark To Market
108 NASDAQ National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System
109 NAV Net Asset Value
110 NBFCs Non Banking Financial Companies
111 NCAER National Council for Applied Economic Research
112 NCDs Non convertible Debentures
113 NCFM NSE’s Certification in Financial Markets
114 NDS Negotiated Dealing System
115 NEAT National Stock Exchange Automated Trading
116 NGOs Non Government Organizations
117 NIBIS NSE’s Internet based Information System
118 NIC National Informatics Centre
119 NPAs Non Performing Assets
120 NRIs Non Resident Indians
121 NSCCL National Securities Clearing Corporation of India Limited
122 NSDL National Securities Depository Limited
123 OCBs Overseas Corporate Bodies
124 OECLOB Open Electronic Consolidated Limit Order Book
125 OIS Overnight Index Swaps
126 ORS Order Routing System
127 OTC Over the Counter
128 OTCEI Over the Counter Exchange of India Limited
129 OTM Out of the Money
130 P/E ratio Price Earning Ratio
131 PAN Permanent Account Number
132 PCM Professional Clearing Member
133 PDAI Primary Dealers Association of India
134 PDO Public Debt Office
135 PDs Primary Dealers
136 PRI Principal Return Index
137 PRISM Parallel Risk Management System
138 PSUs Public Sector Undertakings
139 PV Present Value
140 QIBs Qualified Institutional Buyers
141 RBI Reserve Bank of India
142 ROCs Registrar of Companies
143 RTGS Real time Gross Settlement
144 S&P Standard and Poor’s
145 SAT Securities Appellate Tribunal
146 SC(R)A Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956
147 SC(R)R Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957
148 SCMRD Society for Capital Market Research and Development
149 SDs Satellite Dealers
150 SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India
151 SEC Securities Exchange Commission
152 SGF Settlement Guarantee Fund
153 SGL Subsidiary General Ledger
154 SGX DT The Singapore Exchange Derivatives Trading Limited
155 SIPC Securities Investor Protection Corporation
156 SLR Statutory Liquidity Ratio
157 SPAN Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risks
158 SPV Special Purpose Vehicle
159 SROs Self Regulatory Organizations
160 SSS Securities Settlement System
161 STP Straight Through Processing
162 STRIPS Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities
163 SUS 99 Special Unit Scheme 99
164 T Bills Treasury Bills
165 TDS Tax Deducted at Source
166 TM Trading Member
167 TRI Total Return Index
168 UTI Unit Trust of India
169 VAR Value at Risk
170 VCFs Venture Capital Funds
171 VCUs Venture Capital Undertakings
172 VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal
173 WAN Wide Area Network
174 WAP Wireless Application Protocol
175 WDM Wholesale Debt Market Segment of NSE
176 YTM Yield to Maturity
177 ZCYC Zero Coupon Yield Curve
178 AMEX American Stock Exchange
179 ATS Alternative Trading System
180 BSE Bombay Stock Exchange now known as BSE Limited
181 BSE StAR MF BSE Stat Mutual Fund
182 BTI BSE Training Institute
183 CM Capital Marker
184 CME Chicago Mercantile Exchange
185 CNBC TV 18 Consumer News & Business Channel
186 CNX CRISIL NSE Indices
187 CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
188 CV Co efficient of Variance
189 d.f. Degree of Freedom
190 DFHI Discount and Finance House of India
191 DotEx Intl.
192 Ltd. Dotex International Limited
193 ESM Emerging Stock Markets
194 ETF Exchange traded funds
195 NYSE New York Stock Exchange
196 IPO Initial Public Offering
197 BSE Bombay Stock Exchange
198 CDSL Central Depository Services Limited
199 ETF Exchange Traded Fund
200 REIT Real Estate Investment Trust
201 SL Stop Loss
202 CM Capital Market
203 DJIA Dow Jones Industrial Average
204 DMA Direct Market Access
205 ECN Electronic Communication Network
206 EPS Earnings Per Share

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