FullForms / Telecom Telecom Full Forms List List

S.No Acronym Full Form
1 CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
2 FM Frequency Modulation
3 GPRS General Packet Radio Service
4 GSM Global System for Mobile communication
5 ISD International Subscriber Dialing
6 ITC Indian Tobacco Company, International Trade Center, Independent Telephone Company
7 PCO Public Call Office
8 PCS Provincial Civil Service & Personal Communication Service
9 WIFI Wireless Fidelity
10 NAP Network Access Point
11 BSC Base Station Controller
12 RFT Radio Frequency Transmitter
13 GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit
14 DSS Direct Satellite Services
15 SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control
16 IMSI International Mobile Subscriber Identity
17 SMSC Gateway Mobile Switching Center
18 DTA Data Transfer Adapter
19 DTC Digital Traffic Channel
20 IVRS Interactive Voice Response System
21 CGSA Cellular Geographic Service Areas
22 RNC Radio Network Controller
23 NPDB Number Portability Database
24 BFS Broadcast File System
25 BGCF Breakout Gateway Control Function
26 BGP Border Gateway Protocol
27 BIU Broadband Interface Unit
28 BRAS Broadband Remote Access Server
29 BOPL Broadband Over Power Line
30 BRI Brand Rating Index
31 BRS Broadband Radio Service
32 TMN Telecommunication Management Network
33 UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
34 FLAG Fiber Link Around the Globe
35 VPS Voice Processing System
36 DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulator
37 VMS Voice Mail System
38 PAD Packet Assembler And Disassembler
39 PCN Personal Communications Network
40 VAC Voltage Alternating Current
41 ATC Alarm Traffic Controller
42 AFC Automatic Frequency Control
43 PDC Personal Digital Cellular
44 WAP Wireless Application Protocol
45 WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access
46 OMF Object Management Framework
47 FM Frequency Modulation
48 PCO Public Call Office
49 FDM Frequency Division Modulation
50 FSS Fixed Satellite Service
51 LEO Low Earth Orbit
52 MAP Mobile Application Part
53 POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
54 kHz kilohertz (thousand hertz)
55 MHz Megahertz (million hertz)
56 AVC Advanced Video Coding
57 AVI Advanced Video Interface
58 AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise
59 BDF Broadband Digital Forward
60 BDR Baseband Digital Reverse
61 BERT Bit Error Rate Test
62 BMS Business Management System
63 BPF Band Pass Filter
64 UPR User Performance Requirements
65 GMRS General Mobile Radio Service
66 SGSN Serving GPRS Support Node
67 PDSN Packet Data Switched Network
68 AUC Authentication Center
69 PUK PIN Unblocking Key
70 SIS Subscriber Identity Security
71 SIM Subscriber Identity Module
72 UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
73 IMN Intelligent Mobile Network
74 VLR Visitor Location Register
75 BPI Baseline Privacy Interface
76 DCF Dispersion Compensating Fiber
77 DCR Digital Cable Ready
78 CTO Chief Technology Officer
79 ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
80 ATM Automated Teller Machine
81 DCP Device Control Protocol
82 ACTS Advanced Communication Technology Satellite (NASA)
83 CLASS Custom Local Area Signaling Services
84 POC Point Of Contact
85 DATE Duly Authorized Telecommunications Entity
86 FOB Free On Board
87 IF Intermediate Frequency
88 BOD Bandwidth on Demand
89 DID Direct Inward Dialing
90 BOT Build Operate Transfer
91 CAP Competitive Access Provider
92 IN Intelligent Network
93 CGI Common Gateway Interface
94 FAT Factory Acceptance Test
95 POM Project Office Manager
96 POP Point of Presence
97 COO Chief Operating Officer
98 AMPS Advanced Mobile Phones System
99 SDI Secure Digital Interface
100 SRTP Secure Real time Transport Protocol
101 SSL Secure Sockets Layer
102 TCAP Transaction Capabilities Application Part
103 TCM Tandem Connection Monitoring
104 UNI User Network Interface
105 VPI Virtual Path Identifier
106 WSS Wavelength Selective Switch
107 VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service
108 UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
109 TCO Total Cost of Ownership
110 TCP Transmission Control Protocol
111 SSM Source Specific Multicast
112 SSMF Standard Single Mode Fiber
113 SMF Single Mode Fiber
114 SMS Service Management System
115 SDMI Secure Digital Music Initiative
116 SDP Session Description Protocol
117 DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite
118 DC Direct Current
119 DCA Digital Cable Application
120 CSS Content Scrambling System
121 CSV Comma Separated Value
122 BSS Business Support System
123 TRAI Telecom Regulatory Authority Of India
124 ASR Access Switch Router
125 ASTB Advanced Set Top Box
126 BTS Business Telecom Services
127 CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
128 COT Central Office Terminal
129 CTAM Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing
130 CTB Composite Triple Beat
131 CTIA Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association
132 DCC Data Communication Channel
133 DCD Downstream Channel Descriptor
134 CEA Consumer Electronics Association
135 CEP Cable Entry Point
136 CIFS Common Internet File System
137 CNR Carrier to Noise Ratio
138 CSO Composite Second Order
139 CSR Customer Service Representative
140 COLD Central Office Layout Design
141 COPS Common Open Policy Service
142 CIM Common Information Model
143 CIR Committed Information Rate
144 CER Codeword Error Ratio
145 CES Circuit Emulation Service
146 ODA Outlet Digital Adapter
147 ODRL Open Digital Rights Language
148 CRL Certificate Revocation List
149 CRM Customer Relationship Management
150 ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
151 ASM Asset Management System
152 ASP Average Selling Price
153 FSK Frequency Shift Keying
154 FTMD Full Track Music Download
155 CDR Call Detail Record
156 CD ROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory
157 CMTS Cable Modem Termination System
158 OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
159 OEPL Optical Ethernet Private Line
160 CMOS Complimentary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
161 CMS Call Management Server
162 DMCA Digital Millennium Copyright Act
163 DMH Degraded Modem Hours
164 DSP Digital Signal Processor
165 DSSS Direct Sequencing Spread Spectrum
166 EAS Emergency Alert System
167 ECR Efficient Consumer Response
168 EPON Ethernet Passive Optical Network
169 EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
170 FCRC Fragment Cyclic Redundancy Check
171 FDD Frequency Division Duplexed
172 SDB Switched Digital Broadcast
173 SDH Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
174 SLIC Subscriber Line Interface Card
175 SLM Signal Level Meter
176 SRM System Resource Manager
177 SRS Stimulated Raman Scattering
178 SVOD Subscription Video on Demand
179 SVP Secure Video Processor
180 UGS Unsolicited Grant Service
181 UHF Ultra High Frequency
182 UMA Unlicensed Mobile Access
183 UNE Unbundled Network Element
184 VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
185 VLL Virtual Leased Line
186 WPE Wireless Plant Extension
187 WRED Weighted Random Early Detection
188 EPG Electronic Program Guide
189 DSCP Differentiated Service Code Point
190 DSL Digital Subscriber Line
191 DMA Designated Marketing Area
192 DMC Dual Modem Cards
193 DAS Direct Attached Storage
194 DAT Digital Audio Tape
195 DBPSK Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying
196 CPE Customer Premises Equipment
197 CRA Contention Resolution Algorithm
198 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
199 ASI Asynchronous Serial Interface
200 BTSC Broadcast Television Systems Committee
201 CAB Cable Advertising Bureau
202 CAC Call Admission Control
203 RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks
204 RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company
205 ROAP Rights Object Acquisition Protocol
206 ROB Return on Bandwidth
207 SPP Serial Port Profile
208 SPTS Single Program Transport Stream
209 STS Synchronous Transport Signal
210 SUT System Under Test
211 TSR Technical Service Representative
212 TSS Telephony Switching Sub System
213 UCC Upstream Channel Change
214 VER Virtual Ethernet Ring
215 WPA Wireless (Wi Fi) Protected Access
216 WPAN Wireless Personal Area Network
217 VPN Virtual Private Network
218 VRF Virtual Routing and Forwarding
219 VHF Very High Frequency
220 VHS Video Home System
221 PID Packet Identifier
222 PKI Public Key Infrastructure
223 PLC Packet Loss Concealment
224 PVC Private Virtual Circuit
225 PVR Personal Video Recorder
226 QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
227 RKS Record Keeping Server
228 RMS Root Mean Square
229 RNOC Regional Network Operations Center
230 SIP Session Initiation Protocol
231 SLA Service Level Agreement
232 SLC Shorten Last Codeword
233 STM Synchronous Transport Module
234 STP Spanning Tree Protocol
235 WAN Wide Area Network
236 WCD Wideband Channel Descriptor
237 WCM Wideband Cable Modem
238 EML Externally Modulated Laser
239 EMM Entitlement Management Message
240 EMS Element Management System
241 DVR Digital Video Recorder
242 DVS Digital Video Standard
243 DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplex
244 CLV Consumer Lifetime Value
245 CMLA Content Management License Administrator
246 CCM Constant Coding and Modulation
247 CCS Centum Call Seconds
248 ATSC Advanced Television Systems Committee
249 AUP Acceptable Use Policy
250 CD Compact Disc
251 CDC Connected Device Configuration
252 LRU Least Recently Used
253 LSB Least Significant Byte
254 LCP Local Convergence Point
255 LCS Line Code Signaling
256 IAG Interactive Advertising Guidelines
257 IAMS Intelligent Asset Management System
258 HDT Host Digital Terminal
259 HDTV High Definition Television
260 HIT Headend Interface Terminal
261 CSH Central Switch Homerun
262 CLI Command Line Interface
263 CLR Common Language Run time
264 ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Businesses
265 ARIN American Registry of Internet Numbers
266 PON Passive Optical Network
267 POS Packet Over SONET
268 PSP Packet Streaming Protocol
269 PSQ Packet Streaming Queue
270 PTS Program Transport Stream
271 PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit
272 RIN Relative Intensity Noise
273 RIP Routing Information Protocol
274 SPE Synchronous Payload Envelope
275 SPM Self phase modulation
276 STG Subscriber Telephony Gateway
277 TRP Target Rating Points
278 TSI Time Slot Interchange
279 VCR Video Cassette Recorder
280 VDC Volts Direct Current
281 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
282 WME Wireless Media Extension
283 PSI Program Specific Information
284 PSIP Program and System Information Protocol
285 RFP Request for Proposal
286 RIAA Recording Industry Association of America
287 SAW Surface Acoustic Wave
288 SBC Switched Broadcast Client
289 SBM Switched Broadcast Manager
290 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
291 SOA Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
292 SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol
293 TNCS Transmission Network Control System
294 TRI Telephony Return Interface
295 VCI Virtual Channel Identifier
296 VCM Variable Coding and Modulation
297 IPAT Internet Protocol Access Terminal
298 IPDR Internet Protocol Detail Record
299 IPDT Internet Protocol Digital Terminal
300 HSS Home Subscriber Server
301 HTPC Home Theatre Personal Computer
302 GSRM Global System Resource Manager
303 GUI Graphical User Interface
304 GVRP GARP VLAN Registration Protocol
305 FCC Federal Communications Commission
306 FCP Fiber Channel Protocol
307 EPL Ethernet Private Line
308 CSCF Call State Control Function
309 DLNA Digital Living Network Alliance
310 CPD Common Path Distortion
311 DAC Digital Addressable Controller
312 DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
313 CLE Customer Located Equipment
314 CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
315 CCI Content Control Information
316 CCK Complimentary Code Keying
317 ARCNET Attached Resource Computer Network
318 ARF Advertising Research Foundation
319 PBX Private Branch Exchange
320 PCI Peripheral Connect Interface
321 PCR Program Clock Reference
322 PRM Polarization Recovery Module
323 PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generators
324 RFC Request for Comment
325 SAP Service Access Point
326 SARA Scientific Atlanta Resident Application
327 SATA Serial Advanced Technology Attachment
328 SCP Service Control Platform
329 SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
330 SCSI Small Computer System Interface
331 SHDB Switched High definition Digital Broadcast
332 SIC Standard Industrial Classification
333 TELR Talker Echo Loudness Rating
334 TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
335 VBR Variable Bit Rate
336 VCAT Virtual Concatenation
337 VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal
338 VTS Video Transport Service
339 HSD High Speed Data
340 HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access
341 HSI High Speed Internet
342 GPS Global Positioning Satellite
343 GRE Generic Routing Encapsulation
344 GRM Global Resource Manager
345 EIR Excess Information Rate
346 EMI Electro Magnetic Interference
347 DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
348 DRM Digital Rights Management
349 DSA Dynamic Service Addition
350 DHWG Digital Home Working Group
351 DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier
352 DLL Data Link Layer
353 CBT Computer Based Testing (or Training)
354 CCDF Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function
355 API Application Programming Interface
356 APSK Amplitude Phase Shift Keying
357 VAG Voice Access Gateway
358 VBI Vertical Blanking Interval
359 RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol
360 SAG Synthetic Analog Gateway
361 SAN Storage Area Network
362 PRBS Pseudo Random Binary Sequence
363 PRI Primary Rate Interface
364 PBIA Personal Broadband Industry Association
365 PBP Personal Basis Profile
366 PBR Policy Based Routing
367 NID Network Interface Device
368 NIS Network Infrastructure Solutions
369 MSC Mobile Switching Center
370 MSPP Multi Service Provisioning Platform
371 MTA Multimedia Terminal Adapter
372 MVNO Mobile Virtual Network Operator
373 MDU Multiple Dwelling Unit
374 MEMS Micro Electro Mechanical Systems
375 LMP Link Management Protocol
376 LOS Loss of Signal
377 LPCM Linear Pulse Code Modulation
378 OSC Optical Supervisory Channel
379 OSI Open Systems Interconnect
380 NTSC National Television System Committee
381 NEMA National Electrical Manufactures Association
382 NEMS Network Element Management System
383 NGNA Next Generation Network Architecture
384 MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching
385 MPTS Multiple Program Transport Stream
386 MSB Most Significant Byte
387 MDA Model Driven Architecture
388 MDR Mobile Digital Recorder
389 LMDS Local Multipoint Distribution Service
390 LMI Link Management Interface
391 LATA Local Access and Transport Area
392 LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme
393 NDVR Network Digital Video Recording
394 NEBS Network Equipment Building System
395 LED Light Emitting Diode
396 LLC Logical Link Control
397 ISTP Internet Signaling Transport Protocol
398 HPNA Home Phoneline Networking Alliance
399 HPOV Hewlett Packard Open View
400 HQ High Quality
401 HSA High Speed Access
402 FSN Full Service Network
403 FSO Free Space Optical
404 FTP File Transfer Protocol
405 EDGE Enhanced Data Rates for Global Evolution
406 EIA Electronics Industry Association
407 DFB Distributed Feedback
408 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
409 DHEI Digi Cable Headend Expansion Interface
410 CATV Community Antenna Television
411 CBR Constant Bit Rate
412 ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
413 AES Advanced Encryption Standard
414 OMG Object Management Group
415 ONDS Optical Node Distribution Switch
416 ONT Optical Network Termination
417 PESQ Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality
418 PHS Payload Header Suppression
419 RTP Real time Transport Protocol
420 RTPS Real Time Polling Service
421 SCMS Serial Copy Management System
422 SCO Synchronous Connection Oriented
423 SES Severely Errored Seconds
424 SGC Signaling Gateway Controller
425 UTI Universal Transport Interface
426 UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair Cable
427 VAD Voice Activity Detection
428 WECA Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance
429 WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy
430 AOD Advertising On Demand
431 APD Avalanche Photo Diode
432 PPT Power Passing Tap
433 PPTP Point to Point Tunneling Protocol
434 RCA Root Cause Analysis
435 RDI Remote Defect Indicator
436 ROI Return on Investment
437 RTN Regional Transport Network
438 RTOS Real Time Operating System
439 SCM Stored Content Manager
440 SDVOD Standard Definition Video on Demand
441 RPD Return Path Demodulator
442 RPM Revolutions Per Minute
443 PPD Post pickup Delay
444 PPP Point to Point Protocol
445 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
446 SNG Satellite News Gathering
447 TDM Time Division Multiplexing
448 TEC Triggered Event Command
449 VRTX Virtual Real Time Extension
450 SBS Switched Broadcast Server
451 SBV Switched Broadcast Video
452 VSA Vector Signal Analyzer
453 USF Universal Service Fund
454 USM User based Security Model
455 SDRAM Synchronous Direct Random Access Memory
456 SDTV Standard Definition Television
457 RPR Resilient Packet Ring
458 RTI Real Time Ingest
459 PSQM Perceptual Speech Quality Measurement
460 PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
461 CWDM Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing
462 CWM Common Warehouse Metamodel
463 CLDC Connection Limited Device Configuration
464 TIA Telecommunications Industry Association
465 ACM Adaptive Coding and Modulation
466 DENI Digital Entertainment Networking Initiative
467 DES Data Encryption Standard
468 DFAST Dynamic Feedback Arrangement Scrambling Technique
469 ADI Asynchronous Digital Interface
470 MIRS Motorola Integrated Radio system
471 MTS Mobile Telephone Service
472 ANF Aggregate Noise Factor
473 ANSI American National Standards Institute
474 CALEA Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act
475 ISMS Integrated Service Management System
476 ISO International Organization for Standardization
477 LEC Local Exchange Carrier
478 LVI Low Voltage Integrator
479 MAC Media Access Control
480 MCTF Motion Compensated Temporal Filtering
481 MMI Man Machine Interface
482 MPC Media Player Controller
483 NDE Network Dimensioning Engine
484 NDMH Non Degraded Modem Hours
485 NRSS National Renewable Security Standard
486 NSI Network Side Interface
487 NTS Near Term Storage
488 OCSP Online Certificate Status Protocol
489 OCST Office of Cable Signal Theft
490 PMT Program Map Table
491 POD Point of Deployment
492 OSNR Optical Signal to Noise Ratio
493 OSPF Open Shortest Path First
494 OSS Operational Support System
495 OLT Optical Line Terminal
496 OMA Open Mobile Alliance
497 ISV Independent Software Vendor
498 ITA Interactive Television Association
499 FLR Frame Loss Ratio
500 FOSC Fiber Optic Splice Closure
501 EDC Electronic Dispersion Compensator
502 EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
503 DPON Deep fiber Passive Optical Network
504 DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying
505 DPT Dynamic Packet Transport
506 SCH Synchronization Channel
507 SDMA Spatial Division Multiple Access
508 MC Message Center
509 MCS Multi Carrier Mode
510 BTS Base Transceiver Station
511 DAMPS Digital Advance Mobile Phone Service
512 DTMF Dual Tone Multiple Frequency
513 EIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power
514 ESMR Enhanced Specialized Mobile Radio
515 EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line
516 FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
517 ATDMA Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access
518 ARP Address Resolution Protocol
519 DVD Digital Versatile Disc
520 DVI Display Visual Interface
521 EVC Ethernet Virtual Circuit
522 EVM Error Vector Magnitude
523 FEC Forwarding Equivalence Class
524 FHCS Fragment Header Check Sequence
525 HDLC High Level Data Link Control
526 HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface
527 ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier
528 IMD Inter Modulation Distortion
529 INA Interactive Network Adaptor
530 ISA Industry Standard Architecture
531 ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
532 ISM Industrial Scientific Medical
533 IVR Interactive Voice Response
534 KDCF Korea Digital Cable Forum
535 LTS Long Term Storage
536 NAT Network Address Translation
537 NDA Non Disclosure Agreement
538 NOC Network Operations Center
539 NPR Noise Power Ratio
540 OUI Organizationally Unique Identifier
541 PAT Program Association Table
542 OFC Optical Fiber Communication
543 PLT Power Line Telecommunications
544 PMD Polarization Mode Dispersion
545 PCS Personal Communications System
546 IRR Internal Rate of Return
547 LSP Label Switched Path
548 LSR Label Switch Router
549 MHP Multimedia Home Platform
550 MIB Management Information Base
551 MIDP Mobile Information Device Profile
552 NMS Network Management System
553 PDA Personal Digital Assistant
554 PDW Polarization Dependent Wavelength
555 OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
556 OTN Optical Transition Node
557 NVM Non Volatile Memory
558 NNOC National Network Operations Center
559 NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol
560 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
561 LDP Label Distribution Protocol
562 MEN Metro Ethernet Network
563 NAPT Network Address and Protocol Translation
564 NAS Network Attached Storage
565 OEPLAN Optical Ethernet Private Local Area Network
566 OEVPL Optical Ethernet Virtual Private Line
567 NIU Network Interface Unit
568 MER Modulation Error Ratio
569 MGC Media Gateway Controller
570 LDPC Low Density Parity Check
571 LDS Local Digital Switch
572 IGMP Internet Group Multicast Protocol
573 IGP Interior Gateway Protocol
574 IKE Internet Key Exchange
575 HMS Headend Management System
576 HOM High Order Modulation
577 FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
578 FEC Forward Error Correction
579 ESC Embedded Signaling Channel
580 ESP Encapsulating Security Payload
581 ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
582 DUT Device Under Test
583 DVB Digital Video Broadcast
584 ASTD American Society for Training and Development
585 ATA Advanced Technology Attachment
586 ABSBH Average Busy Season Busy Hour
587 ACAP Advanced Common Application Platform
588 ACL Access Control List
589 ACC Analog Control Channel
590 APN Access Point Name
591 SATCOM Satellite Communications
592 TACS Total Access Communications Systems
593 A/D Analog to Digital
594 A/V Audio/Video
595 AGC Automatic Gain Control
596 AIS Alarm Indication Signal
597 DCS Digital Cross connect System
598 DCT Digital Communications (Cable) Terminal
599 DTCP Digital Transmission Content Protection
600 DUN Dial Up Networking
601 ERIM Erasmus Research Institute of Management
602 ERM Edge Resource Manager
603 IDS Intrusion Detection System
604 IDT Integrated Digital Terminal
605 IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
606 HDCP High bandwidth Digital Content Protection
607 HDD Hard Disk Drive
608 ITU International Telecommunications Union
609 IUC Interval Usage Code
610 AMA Automatic Message Accounting
611 AAC Advanced Audio Codec
612 IPMP Intellectual Property Management and Protection
613 DML Data Manipulation Language
614 AACS Advanced Access Content System
615 IPG Interactive Program Guide
616 IANA Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
617 ICB Independent Customer Builds
618 GWC Gate Way Controller
619 HAN Home Area Network
620 HCRP Hard Copy Cable Replacement
621 IF Intermediate Frequency
622 IFC Initial First Cost
623 NASA National Aeronautics and Space Agency
624 ROW Return Order Wire
625 BW Bandwidth
626 DCME Digital Compressed Multiplication Equipment
627 BER Bit Error Rate
628 ETACS Extended TACS
629 IP Internet Protocol
630 MIN Mobile Identification Number
631 TDD Time Division Duplex
632 TFT Thin Film Transistor
633 HCS Header Check Sequence
634 HD High Definition
635 HDBH High Day Busy Hour
636 MTNL Mahanagar Telephone Nigam limited
637 BSNL Bhrat Snchar Nigm Limited
638 NTSC National Television Standards Committee
639 NICNET National Informatics Centre Network
640 LBS Location Based Services
641 LCD Liquid Crystal Display
642 LMR Land Mobile Radio
643 GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
644 IC Integrated Circuit
645 GSN GPRS Support Node
646 OC Optical Carrier
647 PPDN Public Packet Data Network
648 IPTA Internet Protocol Transport Agreement
649 DPI Digital Program Insertion
650 ICO Incumbent Cable Operator
651 IDE Integrated Device Electronics
652 IDEN Integrated Dispatch Enhanced Network
653 IMEI International Mobile Equipment Identity
654 IPTV Internet Protocol Television
655 ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
656 DNS Domain Name System
657 ETDMA Extended Time Division Multiple Access
658 DNCS Digital Network Control System
659 2F Two Fiber
660 3G 3rd Generation
661 4C Consortium of Intel, IBM, Matsushita, and Toshiba
662 4F Four Fiber
663 10 GbE 10 Gigabit Ethernet
664 10 GFC 10 Gigabit Fibre Channel (Same as FC1200)
665 A TDMA Advanced Time Division Multiple Access
666 A/D Analog to Digital
667 AAL ATM Adaptation Layer
668 AAL0 ATM Adaptation Layer Type 0
669 AAL1 ATM Adaptation Layer Type 1
670 AAL2 ATM Adaptation Layer 2 Transport
671 AAL3/4 ATM Adaptation Layer Type 3 and 4
672 AAL5 ATM Adaptation Layer 5
673 ABR Available Bit Rate
674 ABT Advanced BiCMOS Technology
675 AC Alternating Current; Administrative Complex; Atomic Clock
676 AC 3 Audio Coding Revision 3
677 ACAC Actual Call Admission Control
678 ACEG Alternating Current Equipment Ground
679 ACK Acknowledge
680 ACL Active Control List; Access Control List
681 ACO Alarm Cutoff
682 ACQ Acquire
683 ACR Allowed Cell Rate
684 ACS Automatic Channel Shutdown; Alarm Correlation and Suppression
685 ACSE Association Control Service Element
686 ACSS Automatic Channel Shutdown Suppression; Automatic Channel Shutdown State
687 ACT Active
688 ADC Analog to Digital Converter; Add/Drop Coupler
689 ADI Asset Distribution Interface
690 ADM Add/Drop Multiplexer
691 ADP Actual Departure Potential
692 ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
693 ADT Actual Departure Time
694 AE Automation Engine
695 AES Advanced Encryption Standard
696 AESA ATM End System Address
697 AFI Authority and Format Identifier
698 AFM APS Mode Mismatch Failure
699 AGC Automatic Gain Control
700 AGGR Aggregate
701 AID Access Identifier
702 AIM Auto Image Management; Active Inventory Map
703 AINI ATM Inter Network Interface
704 AINS Automatic in Service State
705 AIR Additive Increase Rate
706 AIS Alarm Indication Signal
707 AIS L Alarm Indication Signal Line
708 AIS P Alarm Indication Signal Path
709 AIS S Alarm Indication Signal Section
710 AIS V VT Alarm Indication Signal
711 AISDP Alarm Indication Signal Decay Period
712 AISIP Alarm Indication Signal Integration Period
713 ALMLED2U Alarm LED 2 RU (Online Edge Platform)
714 ALS Automatic Laser Shutdown
715 AM Amplitude Modulation; Application Manager
716 AMF APS Mode Mismatch Failure
717 AMI Access Method Interface; Alternate Mark Inversion
718 AMM Alarm Management Module; Auxiliary Management Module
719 AMP Amplifier
720 AMS Asset Management System
721 ANSI American National Standards Institute
722 AO Autonomous Output
723 AOD Advertising on Demand
724 APC Angled Physical Contact
725 APD Avalanche PhotoDiode
726 API Application Program Interface
727 APS Automatic Protection Switching
728 APSBF Automatic Protection Switching Byte Failure
729 APSCM Automatic Protection Switching Channel Mismatch
730 APSMM Automatic Protection Switching Mode Mismatch
731 ARC Alarm Reporting Control
732 ARP Address Resolution Protocol
733 ARPU Average Revenue per Unit (or User)
734 AS Autonomous System
735 ASAP Alarm Severity Assignment Profile
736 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
737 ASD Access Security Device
738 ASE Amplified Spontaneous Emission
739 ASI Asynchronous Serial Interface
740 AsiaPac Asia Pacific
741 ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
742 ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
743 ASP Applications Service Provider; Average Selling Price
744 ASYNC Asynchronous
745 AT Advanced Technology
746 AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph Company
747 ATA Advanced Technology Attachment
748 ATAF ATM Test Access Function
749 ATAG Autonomous Tag
750 ATAGSEQ Autonomous Tag Sequence
751 ATDMA Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access
752 ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode
753 ATM SAM ATM Service Access Multiplexer
754 ATMVCL ATM Virtual Channel Link
755 ATMVPL ATM Virtual Path Link
756 ATTN Attenuator
757 AU/AU x Administrative Unit
758 AU n Administrative Unit "n"
759 AUG Administrative Unit Group
760 AUX Auxiliary
761 AVC Attribute Value Change
762 AWG American Wire Gauge
763 AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise
764 B DCS Broadband Digital Cross connect System
765 B PON Broadband Passive Optical Network
766 B RAS Broadband Remote Access Server
767 B/P Backplane
768 B3ZS Bipolar With 3 Zero Substitution
769 B6ZS Bipolar With 6 Zero Substitution
770 B8ZS Bipolar With 8 Zero Substitution
771 BA Booster Amplifier
772 BB Broadband
773 BBE Background Block Error
774 BBE RS Background Block Error Regenerator Section (an SDH regenerator section error)
775 BBER Background Block Error Ratio
776 BC Business Continuity
777 BCD Binary Coded Decimal
778 BCST Broadcast
779 BDFB Battery Distribution Fuse Bay
780 BE Block Error; Best Effort
781 BE RS Block Errors Regenerative Section
782 BECN Backward Explicit Congestion Notification
783 BELLCORE BELL Communications Research, Inc.
784 BER Bit Error Rate
785 BER SD P Path Signal Degrade BER
786 BER SF P Path Signal Failure BER
787 BERT Bit Error Rate Test
788 BFP Back Facet Power
789 BGP Border Gateway Protocol
790 BGP4 Border Gateway Protocol, version 4
791 BICI Broadband Inter Carrier Interfaces; B ISDN Inter carrier Interface
792 BICSI Building Industry Consulting Services International
793 BIOS Basic Input/Output System
794 BIP Bit Interleaved Parity
795 BIT Built In Test
796 BITS Building Integrated Timing System
797 bits/sym Bits per Symbol
798 BLSR Bidirectional Line Switched Ring
799 BML Business Management Layer
800 BNC Bayonet Neill Concelman
801 BOC Bell Operating Company
802 BOL Beginning of Life
803 BOM Bill of Materials
804 BONDING Bandwidth ON Demand Interoperability Group
805 BOOTP Bootstrap Protocol
806 BP Backplane
807 BPI Baseline Privacy Interface
808 BPI+ Baseline Privacy Interface Plus
809 BPP Backplane Protocol
810 bps bits per second
811 BPSR Bidirectional Path Switched Ring
812 BPT Band Pass Through
813 BPV BiPolar Violations
814 BRI Basic Rate Interface
815 BRM Backward RM
816 BSC Board SC Connector
817 BSP Board Support Package
818 BSS Business Support System
819 BT British Telecom; Burst Tolerance
820 Btag Beginning Tag
821 BTM Bits Termination Circuit Pack
822 BTS Business Telecom Services
823 BTU/hr British Thermal Unit per hour
824 BW Bandwidth
825 BWDM Band Wavelength Division Multiplexer
826 BYT Total Byte Count
827 C Celsius; Critical
828 C2O Cable to Optic
829 CA Content Archived
830 CAB Conformity Assessment Body
831 CAC Connection Admission Control; Call Admission Control
832 CAD Computer Aided Design
833 CALA Central America and Latin America
834 CAM Content Addressable Memory
835 CAPEX Capital Expenditure
836 CAS Channel Associated Signaling
837 CATV Community Antenna Television; Cable Television
838 CB, C/B Circuit Breaker
839 C BAE C Band Amplifier Equalizer
840 C BAM C Band Amplifier Monitor
841 CBN Common Bonding Network
842 CBR Constant Bit Rate
843 CC Cross Connection; Clear Channel
844 CCB Configuration Control Board
845 CCC Cross Connect Controller
846 CCCG Cross Connection and Control Group
847 CCC PC CCC Processor Card
848 CCDF Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function
849 CCI Content Control Information
850 CCITT Consultative Committee on International Telegraphy and Telephony
851 CCK Complimentary Code Keying
852 CCW Counterclockwise
853 CCC XC CCC Cross Connect Card
854 CCC768 Cross Connect Fabric with 768x768 STS 1 capacity
855 CD Compact Disc; CoreDirector®; Chromatic Dispersion
856 CDD CoreDirector® Designer Software Tool
857 CDE Common Desktop Environment (UNIX)
858 CDR Call Detail Recording; Clock and Data Recovery
859 CD ROM Compact Disc Read Only Memory
860 CDE Common Desktop Environment
861 CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
862 CDP Contracted Deadline Potential
863 CDT Connection Dropping Threshold
864 CDTS Chromatic Dispersion Test Set
865 CDV Cell Delay Variation
866 CDVT Cell Delay Variation Tolerance
867 CD WO Compact Disc Write One
868 CE Consumer Electronics
869 CEA Consumer Electronics Association
870 CER Cell Error Ratio; Codeword Error Ration
871 CES Circuit Emulation Service
872 CEV Controlled Environmental Vault
873 CFG Configuration
874 CFM Cubic Feet per Minute
875 CFU Cooling Fan Unit
876 CH Channel
877 CHASEH Environmentally Hardened Chassis
878 CHASSIS e Old Chassis Type
879 CHASYNC Chassis with Sync
880 C/I Carrier to Interface Ratio
881 CI Compact Intelligence; Craft Interface; Customer Interface; Certified Integrator
882 CID Circuit Identification; Craft Interface Device
883 CIF Client Interface
884 CIFS Common Internet File System
885 CIM Client Interface Module
886 CINOT Ciena Optical Transport System
887 CIR Customer Information Release
888 CIT Craft Interface Terminal; Craft Interface Tool
889 CL Coupling Loss; Cleared
890 CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier
891 CLEI Common Language Equipment Identifier
892 CLEITM Common Language Equipment Identifier
893 CLFI Common Language Facility Identifier
894 CLI Command Line Interface
895 CLIP Calling Line Identification Presentation
896 CLIR Calling Line Identification Restriction
897 CLLI Common Language Location Identifier
898 CLNP Connectionless Network Layer Protocol
899 CLNS Connectionless Network Service
900 CLP Cell Loss Priority
901 CLR Cell Loss Ratio
902 CLTP Connectionless Transport Protocol
903 cm centimeter
904 CM Control Module; Cable Modem
905 CM CLI Control Module Command Line Interface
906 CMF Channel Mismatch Failure; Client Management Frame
907 CMIP Common Management Information Protocol
908 CMIS Common Management Information Services
909 CMISE Common Management Information Service Element
910 CMO Ciena Management Object
911 CMR Cell Misinsertion Rate
912 CMS Call Management Server
913 CMTS Cable Modem Termination System
914 CMU Clock Multiplier Unit
915 C n Container C 11=1,544 Mb/s; C 12=2,048 Mb/s; C 2=6,312 Mb/s; C 3=34,368 Mb/s and 44,736 Mb/s; C 4=139,264 Mb/s
916 CNIPS Core Network Integrated Planning System
917 CNIR Carrier to Noise/Ingress Ratio
918 CNMP Customer Network Management Portal
919 CNR Carrier to Noise Ration
920 CO Central Office
921 COADM Configurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
922 COBRA Copper and Optical Broadband Remote Access
923 CODEC Coder/Decoder
924 COE Central Office Equipment
925 COFA Change of Frame Alignment
926 COM Ciena's inter processor communications system
927 COLD Central Office Layout Design
928 COLL Collision Count
929 CONDTYPE Condition Type
930 CONS Connection Oriented Network Service
931 COPS Common Open Policy Services
932 CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
933 CoS Class of Service
934 COS Class of Service; Common Object Services
935 COT Central Office Terminal
936 COTS Commercial off the Shelf
937 CP Circuit Pack; Control Processor; Connection Provisioner; Call Processing; Customer Premise
938 CPCI Compact Peripheral Component Interconnect
939 CPD Common Path Distortion
940 CPE Customer Premises Equipment; Customer Provided Equipment
941 C Plane Control Plane
942 CPLD Complex Programmable Logic Device
943 CPM Cross Phase Modulation
944 CPRM Content Protection for Recordable Media
945 CPT Channel Pass Through
946 CPTTAG Connection Termination Point Tag
947 CPU Central Processing Unit
948 CR Circuit Reliability; Carriage Return; Critical Alarm
949 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
950 CRG Circuit Restoration Group
951 CRIP CIENA Routing Information Protocol
952 CR LDP Constraint based Routing Label Distribution Protocol
953 CRS Cross Connect
954 CRT Cathode Ray Tube
955 CRx Line Client Receive Line
956 CS Control Sub span; Convergence Sublayer; CoreStream
957 CSA Canadian Standards Association
958 CSD Core Switching Division
959 CSES Consecutive Severely Errored Seconds
960 Csh C Shell
961 CSH Common Signal Header
962 CSI Convergence Sublayer Indicator
963 CSM Core Switching Manager
964 C SMF Conventional Single Mode Fiber
965 CSO Composite Second Order
966 CSP Customer Service Profile
967 CSR Customer Service Representative
968 CS RZ Carrier Suppressed Return to Zero
969 CST Central Standard Time
970 CSU Channel Service Unit; Customer Service Unit
971 CSV Comma Separated Value
972 CT Critical
973 Ctag Correlation Tag
974 CTAM Cable & Telecommunications Association for Marketing
975 CTB Composite Triple Beat
976 CTC Common Transmit Clock
977 CTD Cell Transfer Delay
978 CTG Cradle To Grave
979 CTM Core Transport Manager
980 CTN Core Transmission Network
981 CTP Connection Termination Point
982 CTS Clear To Send
983 CTx Line Client Transmit Line
984 CUG Closed User Group
985 CV Code Violation
986 CV FE Code violation Far End
987 CV L Code Violation Line
988 CV P Code Violation Path
989 CV PFE Code Violation Path Far End
990 CV S, CVS Code Violation Section; Code Violation Seconds
991 CW Clockwise; Continuous Wave
992 CWDM Coarse Wave Division Multiplexing; Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplex
993 D/A Digital to Analog
994 DAC Digital to Analog Converter; Digital Addressable Controller
995 DACS Digital Access and Cross Connect System
996 DAD Direct Access Devise
997 DADM Data Add/Drop Multiplexer
998 DAS Direct Attached Storage
999 dB decibel
1000 DB Database
1001 DBA Dynamic Bandwidth Assignment
1002 dBc Decibel referenced to the carrier
1003 dBm Decibel reference in milliwatts
1004 DBMS Database Management System
1005 DBPSK Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying
1006 DBS Direct Broadcast Satellite
1007 DB 9 Data Bus 9 Pin Connector
1008 DC Direct Current; Data Connection
1009 D&C Drop and Continue
1010 DCC Data Communications Channel
1011 DCE Data Communications Equipment; Data Circuit Terminating Equipment
1012 DCF Dispersion Compensating Fiber
1013 DCG Dispersion Compensation Grating
1014 DCM Dispersion Compensation Module
1015 DCN Data Communication Network
1016 DCOM Distributed Component Object Model
1017 DCP Digital Communications Protocol; Device Control Protocol
1018 DCS Digital Cross connect System; Digital Connection System
1019 DDI Direct Dialing Inward
1020 DDS Digital Data Storage; Digital Data Service; Digital Data System; Digital Data Stream
1021 DE Discard Eligible
1022 DEC Digital Electrical Carrier
1023 DEG Degraded Signal
1024 DEMUX Demultiplexer
1025 DENI Digital Entertainment Networking Initiative
1026 DENY Transaction Denier
1027 DFB Distributed Feedback
1028 DG Disc Group
1029 DGD Differential Group Delay
1030 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
1031 DHWG Digital Home Working Group
1032 D/I Drop and Insert
1033 DIO Digital Input/Output
1034 DIP Dual In line Package (switch)
1035 DIR Direction
1036 DiffServ Differentiated Services
1037 Div Division
1038 DLC Digital Loop Carrier
1039 DLCI Data Link Connection Identifier
1040 DLL Dynamic Link Library; Data Lind Layer (driver); Downline Load
1041 DLT Digital Linear Tape Drives
1042 DM Degraded Minute; Dispersion Mitigation
1043 DMA Direct Memory Access
1044 DMACS Distributed Monitoring and Control System
1045 DMB Digital Multipoint Bridge; Document Maintenance Bulletin
1046 DMC Dual Modem Cards
1047 DMH Degraded Modem Hours
1048 DMM Digital Multi Meter
1049 DMOP Detailed Method of Procedure
1050 DMS Dispersion managed Solution
1051 DMUX [Optical] Demultiplexer
1052 DN Data Node
1053 DNCS Digital Network Control System
1054 DNR Do Not Revert
1055 DNS Domain Name Server; Domain Name System
1056 DOCSIS Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications
1057 DOS Disk Operating System
1058 DoS Denial of Service
1059 DPDT Double Pole, Double Throw
1060 DPFI Data Plane Fault Isolation
1061 DPI Digital Program Insertion
1062 DPR Dedicated Protection Ring
1063 DPRAM Dual Port Random Access Memory
1064 DPT Dynamic Packet Transport
1065 DQ Degraded Quality Level
1066 DQDB Distributed Queue Dual Bus
1067 DQoS Dynamic Quality of Service; Deploying Quality of Service
1068 DQPSK Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
1069 DR Disaster Recovery
1070 DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory
1071 DRM Digital Rights Management
1072 DS Digital Signal; Downstream
1073 DS0 Digital Signal Level 0 (64 Kb/s data/voice channel)
1074 DS1 Digital Signal Level 1 (T1 equivalent)
1075 DS3 Digital Signal Level 3 (T3 equivalent)
1076 DSCP Differentiated Service Code Point
1077 DSCRDS Discard Count
1078 DSF Dispersion Shifted Fiber
1079 DSL Digital Subscriber Line; Digital Subscriber Loop
1080 DSLAM Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer
1081 DS n Digital Signal, level n
1082 DSP Digital Signal Processor
1083 DSS2 Digital Subscriber Signaling 2
1084 DSTB Digital Set top Box
1085 DSX Digital Side Interface
1086 DSX 1 Digital Signal Level 1 Cross Connect
1087 DS x Digital Signal where N denotes multiple of 51.84 Mb/s
1088 DSX 3 Digital Signal Level 3 Cross Connect
1089 DT Decision Technology; Direct Termination
1090 DTCP Digital Transmission Content Protection
1091 DTE Data Terminal Equipment
1092 DTL Designated Transit List
1093 DTMF Dual Tone Multi Frequency
1094 DTS Dynamic Transport System
1095 DTV Digital Television
1096 DUART Dual Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
1097 DUP Data User Part
1098 DUS Don't Use Synchronization
1099 DV Digital Video
1100 DVB ASI Digital Video Broadcast Asynchronous Serial Interface
1101 DVC Dynamic Virtual Concatenation
1102 DVD Digital Versatile Disc
1103 DVD+R Recordable Digital Versatile Disc
1104 DVD+RW Rewritable Digital Versatile Disc
1105 DVI Display Visual Interface
1106 DVM Digital Voltmeter
1107 DVOW Digital Voice Orderwire
1108 DVR Digital Video Recorder
1109 DW Datawire
1110 DWDM Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing
1111 DXC Digital Cross Connect
1112 DXI Data Exchange Interface
1113 E1 European Equivalent of T1 (2.048 Mb/s signal speed)
1114 E2E End To End
1115 E2PROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
1116 E3 European data signal at a rate of 34.368 Mb/s
1117 EAL Events, Alarms, and Logging
1118 EAI Enterprise Application Integration
1119 EAP Extensible Authentication Protocol
1120 EAS Emergency Alert System
1121 EB Error Block; Eastbound
1122 EBEM Enhanced Bus Extender Module
1123 EC 1 Electrical Carrier Level 1 (STS1 Equivalent)
1124 ECC Edge Card Control; Embedded Communications Channel
1125 ECI Equipment Catalog Item
1126 ECLR Egress Cell Loss Ratio
1127 ECn Electrical Carrier, level n; 0=64 kb/s, 2=6,312 Mb/s, 3=44,736 Mb/s
1128 ECN Engineering Change Notice
1129 ECO Engineering Change Order
1130 ED Equipment Degrade
1131 EDF Erbium Doped Fiber
1132 EDFA Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
1133 eDOCSIS Embedded Data Over Cable Service Interface Specifications
1134 EEE Electronic Equipment Enclosure
1135 EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
1136 EF&I Engineer, Furnish and Install
1137 EF Equipment Failure
1138 EFCI Explicit Forward Congestion Indication
1139 EFD Event Forwarding Discriminator
1140 EFEC Enhanced Forward Error Correction
1141 EFP Equipment Fault Protection
1142 EH Environmentally Hardened
1143 EIA Electronic Industries Alliance; Electronic Industries Association
1144 EID Equipment Identifier
1145 EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics
1146 EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
1147 EJB Enterprise Java Beans
1148 ELAN Emulated Local Area Network
1149 ELR Extra Long Reach
1150 EM Element Manager
1151 EMC ElectroMagnetic Compatibility
1152 EMD Extended Management Domain
1153 EMEA Europe, Middle East and Africa
1154 EMBS Egress Maximum Burst Size
1155 EMG Extended Management Gateway
1156 EMI Electromagnetic Interference
1157 EML Element Management Layer; Electro Absorptive Modulated Laser
1158 EMP Expiring Maintenance Process
1159 EMS Element Management System
1160 EMT Expiring Maintenance Tool
1161 eMTA Embedded Multimedia Terminal Adapter
1163 END Extended Management Domain
1164 ENE End Network Element
1165 ENUT Enhanced Non preemptable Unprotected Traffic
1166 EO Equipment Order
1167 EOC Embedded Operations Channel
1168 EoD Everything on Demand
1169 EOF End of Frame
1170 EOL End of Life
1171 EOM End of Message
1172 EoS Ethernet over SONET/SDH
1173 EOW Engineered Orderwire; Express Orderwire
1174 E PON Ethernet Passive Optical Network
1175 EPA Environmental Protection Agency
1176 EPCR Egress Peak Cell Rate
1177 EPD Early Packet Discard
1178 EPG Equipment Protection Group
1179 EPL Ethernet Private Line
1180 EPLD Erasable Programmable Logic Device
1181 EPROM Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
1182 EQPT Equipment
1183 ER Extended Reach
1184 ERDI Enhanced Remote Defect Indicator
1185 EREI P Enhanced Path Remote Error Indication
1186 Errcde Error Code
1187 ES Errored Second
1188 ESA EDFA Saturation Algorithm; End System Address
1189 ESCBND ESCON Bundle
1190 ESCON Enterprise System Connection; IBM Enterprise systems connection protocol
1191 ESCR Egress Sustainable Cell Rate
1192 ESD Electrostatic Discharge
1193 ESDS Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive
1194 ESF Extended Super Frame; Extended Superframe Format
1195 ES FE Errored Seconds Far End
1196 ESI End System Identifier
1197 ES IS End System to Intermediate System
1198 ES L Errored Seconds Line
1199 ES LFE Errored Second Line Far End
1200 ES MS Errored Seconds at the Mulitplexor Section
1201 ESMOP Electronic Service Method of Procedure
1202 ESN Extended Subnetwork
1203 ES P Errored Seconds Path
1204 ES PFE Errored Seconds Path Far End
1205 ESR Errored Second Ratio
1206 ES RS Errored Second Regenerator Section
1207 ES S Errored Seconds Section
1208 EST Eastern Standard Time
1209 ES V Errored Second Virtual Tributary (VT) Path; Errored Second VT Path Far End
1210 ESx Errored Second Count
1211 ET End Terminal; Entitlement Tracker
1212 Etag Ending Tag
1213 ETH 10/100 Ethernet
1214 ETHBND Ethernet Bundle
1215 ETLMI ESCON Trib Laser Manager Interface
1216 ETR External Timing Reference
1217 ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
1218 EU European Union
1219 EVM Error Vector Magnitude
1220 EVPL Ethernet Virtual Private Line
1221 EVPLAN Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network
1222 EWO Engineering Work Order
1223 EXER R Exercise Ring
1224 EXER S Exercise Span (SONET)
1225 EXP Experimental
1226 EXZ Excessive Zone
1227 F Fahrenheit
1228 FA, F/A Fuse Alarm; Fault Alarm
1229 FAB Field Alert Bulletin
1230 FAD Functional Access Domain
1231 FAF Facility Failure
1232 F&I Furnish and Install
1233 FC Failure Code; Failure Count; Fiber Channel; Fibre Channel
1234 FC100 Fibre Channel 1 Gb/s
1235 FC200 Fibre Channel 2 Gb/s
1236 FC400 Fibre Channel 4 Gb/s
1237 FC10000 Fibre Channel 10 Gb/s (same as 10GFC)
1238 FCAPS Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance (or Provisioning), Security management
1239 FCC Federal Communications Commission
1240 FC FE Failure Count Far End
1241 FCIP Fiber Channel over Internet Protocol
1242 FC L Failure Count Line
1243 FC LFE Failure Count Line Far End
1244 FCM Fan Control Module
1245 FCP Fiber Channel Protocol
1246 FC P Failure Count Path
1247 FC PFE Failure Count Path Far End
1248 FCS Frame Check Sequence
1249 FC Switch Fiber Channel Switch
1250 FCS32 Count of FCS 32 Error
1251 FC V Failure Count VT
1252 FC VFE Failure Count VT Far End
1253 FDA Food and Drug Administration
1254 FDD Frequency Division Duplexed
1255 FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
1256 FDF Fiber Distributing Frame
1257 FDL Facilities Data Link
1258 FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing; Fast Ethernet
1259 FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access
1260 FDP Fiber Distribution Panel
1261 FDRP Frame Drop
1262 FE Far End; Fast Ethernet; Forward Error Correction
1263 FEAC Far End Alarm Channel
1264 FEACT Far End Terminal Alarm Condition
1265 FEALM Far End Alarm
1266 FEB Fast Ethernet Bridging
1267 FEBE Far End Block Error
1268 FEC Forward Error Correction; Forwarding Equivalence Class
1269 FECN Forward Explicit Congestion Notification
1270 FECS Forward Error Correction Seconds
1271 FEDS FICON Extended Storage over Distance
1272 FEP Far End Protection
1273 FEPLF Far End Protection Line Failure
1274 FEPM Far End Performance Monitor
1275 FERF Far End Receive Failure
1276 FET Field Effect Transistor
1277 FF Fast Forward
1278 FFA First Field Application
1279 FFP Facility Fault Protection
1280 FFT Fast Fourier Transform
1281 FIB Forwarding Information Base
1282 FIC Frame Identification Code
1283 FICON Fiber Connection
1284 FIL Fiber in the Loop
1285 FIT Failure in Time
1286 FITB Fiber in the Building
1287 FITL Fiber in the Loop
1288 FITR Fiber in the Riser
1289 FM Fan Module; Fault Management; Forwarding Module; Frequency Modulation
1290 FMA Failure Modes Analysis
1291 FMECA Failure Mode and Effects and Criticality Analyses
1292 FMS Fault Management System
1293 FO Fiber Optics
1294 FOADM Fixed Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer; Flexible Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
1295 FOD Free on Demand
1296 FOSC Fiber Optic Splice Course
1297 FOTS Fiber Optic Transmission System
1298 FP Fabry Perot (type of laser); Frame Pulse (NEC)
1299 FPG Facility Protection Group
1300 FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
1301 FPM Fan Power Module
1302 FPP Fast Pattern Processor
1303 FPS Frames per Second
1304 FR Frame Relay
1305 FRC Force
1306 FRD Functional Requirements Document; Feature Requirements Definition
1307 FREQ Frequency
1308 FRF Frame Relay Forum
1309 FRF.12 Frame Relay Forum Implementation Agreement 12
1310 FRF.13 Frame Relay Forum Implementation Agreement 13
1311 FRF.5 Frame Relay Forum Implementation Agreement 5
1312 FRF.8.1 Frame Relay Forum Implementation Agreement 8.1
1313 FRG Fragment Count
1314 FRM Forward Resource Management; Frame Count
1315 FRMS Dropped Frames
1316 FRU Field Replacement Unit
1317 FS File System
1318 FSA Field Service Application
1319 FSAN Full Services Access Network (consortium)
1320 FSB Field Service Bulletin
1321 FSO Free Space Optical
1322 FS P Forced Switch Protection
1323 FS R Forced Switch Ring
1324 FS S Forced Switch Span
1325 FS W Forced Switch Working
1326 FT 2000 SONET OC 48 lightwave system (AT&T)
1327 FTA Fault Tree Analysis
1328 FTAM File Transfer and Access Management
1329 FTC Fabric and Timing Card
1330 FTM Fabric Timing Module
1331 FTP File Transfer Protocol
1332 FTTB Fiber to the Building; Fiber to the Business
1333 FTTC Fiber to the Curb
1334 FTTD Fiber to the Desk
1335 FTTH Fiber to the Home
1336 FTTP Fiber to the Premise; Maintenance Channel Transparent Termination Point
1337 FTTx Fiber to the [endpoint]
1338 FUNI Frame based User Network Interface
1339 FW Firmware; Firewall
1340 FWHM Full Width at Half Maximum
1341 FWM Four Wave Mixing
1342 GA General Availability
1343 Gb Gigabit
1344 GB Gigabyte
1345 GbE Gigabit Ethernet
1346 GbE VFTP Gigabit Ethernet Virtual Facility Termination Point
1347 GbE WAN Gigabit Ethernet Wide Area Network
1348 GbE WIF Gigabit Ethernet Wide Area Network Interface
1349 GBIC Gigabit Interface Converter
1350 Gbps, Gbits Gigabits per second
1351 Gbytes/s Gigabytes per second
1352 GC Gateway Controller
1353 GCAC Generic Connection Admission Control
1354 GCC0 General Communications Channel 0 (similar to SDH/SONET DCC)
1355 GCIT Graphical Craft Interface Terminal
1356 GCM General Control Module
1357 GCRA Generic Cell Rate Algorithm
1358 GDMO Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects
1359 GE Gigabit Ethernet; Greater than or equal to
1360 GEB Gigabit Ethernet Bridge
1361 GET Gigabit Ethernet Tunneling
1362 GFA Gain Flattened Amplifier
1363 GFC Generic Flow Control
1364 GFF Gain Flattening Filter (used in EDFA)
1365 GFP Generic Framing Procedure
1366 GFR Guaranteed Frame Rate
1367 GHz Gigahertz; One billion cycles per second
1368 GMPLS Generalized Multi Protocol Label Switching
1369 GMT Greenwich Mean Time; Grasshoppers Made for Telecommunications (GMT fuses)
1370 GN Gateway Network Element
1371 GNE Gateway Network Element
1372 GND Ground
1373 GOS Grade of Service
1374 GP Gateway Platform
1375 GPI General Purpose Input
1376 GPIN General Purpose Input
1377 GPO General Purpose Output
1378 G PON Gigabit Passive Optical Network
1379 GPS Global Positioning System; Global Positioning Satellite
1380 GR Generic Requirement; Geographic Redundancy
1381 GRDM Gigabit Rate Data Multiplexer
1382 GRTES General Requirements for Transmission Equipment Specification
1383 GT Gain Transfer; Grating Temperature
1384 GTP Group Termination Point
1385 GUI Graphical User Interface
1386 GW Gateway
1387 GWC Gateway Controller
1388 HA High Availability
1389 HCFM High speed Cell Forwarding Module
1390 HCSFI High speed Central Switch Fabric Interface
1391 HD High Definition
1392 HD SDI High Definition Serial Digital Interface
1393 HDB3 High Density Bipolar 3
1394 HDCP High bandwidth Digital Content Protection
1395 HDLC High speed/level Data Link Control
1396 HDMI High Definition Multimedia Interface
1397 HDSF High speed Distributed Switch Fabric
1398 HDT Host Digital Terminal
1399 HDTV High Definition Television
1400 HE Headend
1401 HEC Header Error Control; Headend Controller
1402 HEM Headend Modem
1403 HEPA High Efficiency Particulate Arrester
1404 HFC Hybrid Fiber Coax
1405 HFM High speed Forwarding Module
1406 HGW Home Gateway
1407 HHP Households Passed
1408 HISSA High Speed Serial Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC)
1409 HMS Hybrid Management Sub layer
1410 HNv1 Home Networking Version 1
1411 HO Higher Order
1412 HOVC Higher Order Virtual Concatenation
1413 HOD HBO on Demand
1414 HOM High Order Modulation
1415 HomePNA Home Phoneline Networking Alliance
1416 HO DSP High Order Domain Specific Part
1417 HOP High Order Path
1418 HO POH Higher Order Path Overhead
1419 HO DXC Higher Order Digital Cross Connect
1420 HP Hairpin; Higher Order Path; Homes Passed
1421 HPF High Pass Filter
1422 HPFM High speed Packet Forwarding Module
1423 HPNA Home Phoneline Networking Alliance
1424 HPOV Hewlett Packard Open View
1425 HP UX Hewlett Packard's UNIX based OS that runs on HP's enterprise servers
1426 HRD Hardware Release Document; Hardware Requirements Document
1427 HS High Speed
1428 HSB High Speed Bus
1429 HSD High Speed Data
1430 HI Hardware/Software Interface; Hardware Software Integration; High Speed Internet
1431 HSSI High Speed Serial Interface
1432 HT High Threshold
1433 HTML Hyper Text Markup Language
1434 HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
1435 HVAC Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning
1436 HW Hardware
1437 Hz Hertz
1438 I/O Input/Output
1439 IAD Integrated Access Device; Interface Access Device
1440 IAS Internet Access Service; Internet Authentication Service
1441 IBCC In Band Communication Channel
1442 IC Integrated Circuit
1443 ICB Independent Customer Builds
1444 ICD International Code Designator
1445 ICLR Ingress Cell Loss Ratio
1446 ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol
1447 ICNV Input Command Not Valid
1448 ICP IMA Control Protocol
1449 ICPT Installed Circuit Pack Type
1450 ICR Initial Cell Rate
1451 ID Identifier; Identification
1452 IDE Integrated Device Electronics
1453 IDF Intermediate Distribution Frame; Invalid Data Flag
1454 IDH Identification High byte
1455 IDI Initial Domain Identifier
1456 IDL Interface Definition Language
1457 IDNV Input Data Not Valid
1458 IDP Initial Domain Part
1459 IDS Intrusion Detection System
1460 IDT Inter DXC Trunk
1461 IE Information Element
1462 IEC Incoming Error Count; InterExchange Carrier
1463 IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
1464 IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
1465 IF Intermediate Frequency
1466 IFC Initial First Cost
1467 IG Information Group
1468 IGMP Internet Group Multicast Protocol
1469 IIAC Input Invalid Access Identifier
1470 IIOP CORBA Internet Inter ORB Protocol
1471 IISP Interim Interface Signaling Protocol
1472 ILA Intermediate Light Amplification; Integrated Line Amplifier; In Line Amplifier
1473 ILEC Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier
1474 ILM Integrated Laser Module; Integrated Laser Modulator
1475 ILMI Interim Link Management Interface; Interim Local Management Interface
1476 ILOG Information Log; Incoming Log
1477 ILR Issues List Report
1478 IM Instant Messaging
1479 IMA Inverse Multiplexing over ATM
1480 IMBS Ingress Maximum Burst Size
1481 IMD Intermodulation Distortion
1482 IME Interface Management Entity
1483 IMT Inter Machine Trunk
1484 IN Intelligent Network
1485 I NET Institutional Network
1486 INM Integrated Network Manager
1487 INMS Integrated Network Management Suite; Integrated Network Management System
1488 INT Internal; Internal Clock
1489 INTAP Interoperability Technology Association for information Processing
1490 INTP Internodal Tunneling Protocol
1491 INVW Invalid Word Count
1492 IntServ Integrated Services
1493 I/O Input/Output
1494 IOA Input/Output Adapter
1495 IOF Inter office Fiber
1496 IOR Interoperable Object Reference
1497 IP Internet Protocol
1498 IPC Inter process Communications; InterProcess or InterProcesser Control
1499 IPCR Ingress Peak Cell Rate
1500 IPG Inter Packet Gap
1501 IPM Interested Party Multicast
1502 IPMS Interested Party Multicast Service
1503 IPPV Impulse Pay per View
1504 IPOA Internet Protocol over ATM
1505 IPsec Internet Protocol Security
1506 IPTA Internet Protocol Transport Agreement
1507 IPTV IP Television
1508 IR Intermediate Reach
1509 IRD Integrated Receiver/Decoder
1510 IRT Integrated Receiver/Transcoder
1511 IS In Service; Intermediate System
1512 ISA Industry Standard Architecture
1513 IS ANR In Service Abnormal
1514 IS ANRST In Service Abnormal and Restricted
1515 ISCC InterSwitch Communications Channel
1516 ISCR Ingress Sustainable Cell Rate
1517 iSCSI Internet Small Computer System Interface; SCSI Protocol over TCP/IP
1518 ISD Idle Signal Detection
1519 ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
1520 IS IS Intermediate System to Intermediate System
1521 ISM Industrial Scientific Medical
1522 IS NR In Service Normal
1523 ISO International Standards Organization
1524 ISP Internet Service Provider; Inside Plant
1525 IS RST In Service Restricted
1526 ISTP Internet Signaling Transport Protocol
1527 ISV Independent Software Vendor
1528 IT Information Technology
1529 ITA Installation, Test, and Acceptance
1530 ITC Independent Transmit Clock
1531 ITL International Telecommunications Union
1532 ITE Information Technology Equipment
1533 ITS Intelligent Transportation System; Institute for Telecommunications Sciences
1534 ITT International Telephone and Telegraph
1535 ITU International Telecommunication Union
1536 ITU T International Telecommunications Union Telecommunications Standards Section
1537 IUC Interval Usage Code
1538 IWF Interworking Function
1539 IXC Inter exchange Carrier
1540 J0 J Zero; Section trace byte in performance monitoring (J zero)
1541 J2EE Java 2 Enterprise Edition
1542 JBR Jabber Count
1543 JDBC Java Database Connectivity
1544 JDK Java Development Kit
1545 JDMK Java Dynamic Management Kit
1546 JEM JAVA™ Element Manager
1547 JMS JAVA™ Messaging System
1548 JNDI Java Naming and Directory Interface
1549 JRE Java Runtime Environment
1550 JTAG Joint Test Action Group
1551 JVM Java Virtual Machine
1552 K1 SONET or SDH overhead byte of VLSR or MSP/MS SPRing (see K2)
1553 K2 Used with K1 SONET or SDH overhead byte for VLSR or MSP/MS SPRing
1554 Kb Kilobit
1555 KB Kilobyte
1556 Kb/s Kilobits per second
1557 KB/s Kilobytes per second
1558 Kbps Kilobits per second
1559 KBps Kilobytes per second
1560 kHz KiloHertz
1561 Km Kilometer
1562 Ksh Korn Shell
1563 ksym/s Kilosymbols per Second
1564 ksym/sec Kilosymbols per Second
1565 kVA 1000 Volt Amperes
1566 kW Kilowatt
1567 L2TP Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
1568 L3 Layer 3
1569 LA Line Adapter
1570 LAC Local Access Concentrator
1571 LADM Linear Add/Drop Multiplexer
1572 LAN Local Area Network
1573 LANE Local Area Network Emulation
1574 LAP Link Access Procedure; Link Access Protocol
1575 LAPB Link Access Procedure Balanced
1576 LAPD Link Access Procedure D Channel (X 25)
1577 LAPF Link Access Procedure for Frame Mode Bearer Services
1578 LAPS Link Access Procedure
1579 LASER Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation
1580 LATA Local Access and Transport Area
1581 LBC Laser Bias Current
1582 LBCL Laser Bias Current Level
1583 LBCN Normalized Laser Bias Current
1584 LBO Line Build Out
1585 LC Lucent Connector; Line Card
1586 LCAP Local Craft Access Panel
1587 LCAS Link Capacity Adjustment Scheme
1588 LCC Life Cycle cost; Link Control Channel
1589 LCD Liquid Crystal Display
1590 LCL Lower Confidence Limit
1591 LCN Local Computer Network; Logical Channel Number; Local Communications Network
1592 LCR Least Cost Routing
1593 LCT Large Capacity Terminal
1594 LD Laser Diode
1595 LDAP Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
1596 LDCC Line Data Communications Channel
1597 LDP Label Distribution Protocol
1598 LDS Local Digital Switch
1599 LEAF Large Effective Area Fiber
1600 LEC Local Exchange Carrier
1601 LECS LAN Emulation Configuration Server
1602 LED Light Emitting Diode
1603 LER Label Edge Router
1604 LES LAN Emulation Server
1605 LF Line Fail
1606 LFE Line Far End
1607 LGN Logical Group Node
1608 LGX Light Guide Crossconnects
1609 LH Logical Host
1610 LIC Line Interface Card
1611 LIF Line Interface
1612 LIM Line Interface Module
1613 LIP Local Information Packet
1614 LIU Line Interface Unit
1615 LLC Logical Link Control
1616 LLSDCC Lower Layer Section DCC
1617 LM Line Module
1618 LMI Local Management Interface
1619 LMP Link Management Protocol
1620 LO Low Order
1621 LOADM Lightweight Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
1622 LOC Loss of Clock
1623 Locn Location
1624 LOF Loss of Frame
1625 LOF P Path Loss of Frame
1626 LOH Line Overhead
1627 LOM Loss of Multiframe; List of Materials
1628 LOP Loss of Pointer
1629 LOPDP Loss of Pointer Decay Period
1630 LOPI Loss of Pointer Inhibit
1631 LOPIP Loss of Pointer Integration Period
1632 LOP P Loss of Pointer Path
1633 LOP V VT Loss of Pointer
1634 LOS Loss of Signal
1635 LOSS Loss of Signal Seconds
1636 LOVC Low Order VC
1637 LOW Local Orderwire
1638 LO DXC Low Order Digital Cross Connect
1639 LP Line Processor; Lockout of Protection; Low Order Path
1640 LP S/SF P Lockout of Protection Span/Signal Fail Protection
1641 Lport Logical port
1642 LP S Lockout of Protection Span
1643 LR Long Reach (fiber); Line Regeneration Equipment
1644 LRDC Long Reach Daughter Card
1645 LSA Low Speed ADM
1646 LSA E EH Low Speed ADM Electrical (10/100 Base T) Environmentally Hardened
1647 LSA O EH Low Speed ADM Optical (100 Base FX) Environmentally Hardened
1648 LSB Least Significant Bit
1649 LSF Loss of Signal or Frame indication signal
1650 LSL Lower Specification Limit
1651 LSM Loss of Sync Message
1652 LSN Logical Subnetwork
1653 LSP Label Switched Path; Local Service Provider
1654 LSR Label Switch Router
1655 LSSGR LATA Switching System Generic Requirements
1656 LT Low Threshold; Laser Temperature
1657 LTE Line Terminating Equipment
1658 LTN Local Transport Network (fiber ring)
1659 LTP Link Termination Point; Logical Termination Point
1660 LTS Loop Testing System; Long Term Storage
1661 LU Line Unit
1662 LVD Low Voltage Distribution
1663 LWP Low Water Peak
1664 LZS Lempel Ziv Stac
1665 M12 MUX DS 1 into DS2
1666 M13 MUX DS 1 into DS3
1667 M23 MUX DS 2 into DS3
1668 MAC Media Access Control; Medium Access Control
1669 MAN Metropolitan Area Network
1670 MAP Main Audio Program
1671 MAU Media Access Unit
1672 Mb Megabit
1673 MB Megabyte
1674 Mbaud Megabaud
1675 Mb/s Megabits per second
1676 Mbits/s Megabits per second
1677 Mbps Megabits per second
1678 MBps Megabytes per second
1679 MB/s Megabytes per second
1680 MBS Maximum Burst Size
1681 MCP Management Control Processor
1682 MCT Maintenance Channel Transparency
1683 MCTF Motion Compensated Temporal Filtering
1684 MD MetroDirector K2 Platform
1685 mDVR Multi TV Digital Video Recorder
1686 MCR Minimum Cell Rate; Minimum Cost Routing
1687 MDF Main Distribution Frame
1688 MDU Multiple Dwelling Unit
1689 MEA Mismatch of Equipment and Attributes
1690 MEGACO Media Gateway Control Protocol
1691 MER Modulation Error Ratio
1692 MFR Multilink Frame Relay
1693 MG Media Gateway
1694 MGC Media Gateway Controller
1695 MGCP Media Gateway Control Protocol
1696 MGN Management Gateway Node
1697 MHz Megahertz
1698 MIB Management Information Base
1699 MID Message Identifier
1700 MIPS Millions of Instructions per Second
1701 MIT Management Information Tree
1702 MJ Major
1703 ML Mediation Layer
1704 MLMD Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
1705 MLPPP Multi Link Point to Point Protocol
1706 mm millimeter
1707 MM Multimode; Multimedia
1708 MME Multiwave Management Element
1709 MMF Multi Mode Fiber
1710 MML Man Machine Language
1711 MMO Main Material Order
1712 MMP Multiwave Management Element
1713 MN Minor
1714 MO Managed Object
1715 MOD Module; Movies on Demand
1716 MODEM Modulator Demodulator
1717 MOF Managed Object Framework
1718 MOP Method of Procedure
1719 MOR Multi wavelength Optical Repeater
1720 MOS Mean Opinion Score
1721 MP3 MPEG 2 Layer 3
1722 MP Management Portal
1723 MPCKTS Multicast Packet Count
1724 MPEG Moving Pictures Expert Group
1725 MPI Multi Path Interface; Multi Path Interference
1726 MPLmS Multi Protocol Lambda Switching
1727 MPLS Multi Protocol Label Switching
1728 MPLS CP MPLS Control Plane
1729 MPN Mode Partition Noise
1730 MPOA Multi Protocol over Asynchronous Transfer Mode
1731 MPS Modeling and Planning System; Modeling and Planning Suite
1732 MPT Multiplex Pass Through
1733 MPTS Multiple Program Transport Stream
1734 M Plane Management Plane
1735 MR Modification Request; Material Request; Medium Reach
1736 MRRB Maintenance Requirements Review Board; Material Release Review Board
1737 ms Milliseconds
1738 MS Multiplex Section
1739 MS AIS Multiplex Section Alarm Indication Signal
1740 MSA Mediation Services Administrator
1741 MSB Most Significant Bit
1742 MSC Metro Shelf Controller; Microsoft Cluster Server
1743 MSF Multiservice Switching Forum
1744 MSM Metro Switching Manager; Metro Switching Mismatch
1745 MSN Multi Subnetwork
1746 MSNM Metro Switching Network Manager
1747 MSNM ML Metro Switching Network Manager Mediation Layer
1748 MSO Multiple System Operator
1749 MSOH Multiplexer Section Overhead
1750 MSP Multiplex Section Protection; Multiservice Switching Path
1751 MSPP Multiservice Provisioning Platform
1752 MS P Manual Switch Protection
1753 MSPVC Management Soft Permanent Virtual Circuit
1754 MS R Manual Switch Ring
1755 MS RDI Multiplex Section Remote Defect Indication
1756 MS REI Multiplex Section Remote Error Indication
1757 MS S Manual Switch Span
1758 MS Spring/MSPR Multiplex Section Shared Protection Ring
1759 MST Mountain Standard Time; Multiplex Section Termination
1760 MSTE Multiplex Section Terminating Equipment
1761 MS W Manual Switch Working
1762 MTA Multimedia Terminal Adapter
1763 MTBF Mean Time between Failure
1764 MTIE Maximum Time Interval Error
1765 MTM Metro Transport Manager
1766 MTTP Transparent Connection Termination Point
1767 MTTR Mean Time to Repair
1768 MTTU Mean Time to Understand
1769 MTU Maximum Transmission Unit
1770 MUX Multiplexer
1771 MUXCVR Muxceiver
1772 mV Millivolt
1773 MVOA Miniature Variable Optical Attenuator
1774 MW MultiWave®
1775 MZ Mach Zehnder
1776 NA No Alarm; Not Alarmed; Not Applicable; Not Available; Numerical Aperture
1777 NAD Network Access Domain
1778 NAP Network Access Point
1779 NAPT Network Address and Protocol Translation
1780 NAS Network Access Server; Network Attached Storage
1781 NAT Network Address Translation
1782 NBI Northbound Interface
1783 NBK No Backup
1784 NC Nodal Controller; Normally Closed (contacts)
1785 NCC Network Control Center
1786 NCCI Network Call Correlation Identification
1787 NCP Nodal Control Point; Nodal Control Processor
1788 NCP&D Network Capacity Planning and Delivery
1789 NCR Non Conformance Report
1790 NCS Network Computing System; Network Control System; Network Call Signaling
1791 NCTA National Cable & Telecommunications Association
1792 NDC National Destination Code
1793 NDF New Data Flag
1794 NDIS Network Design and Inventory System
1795 NDMH Non Degraded Modem Hours
1796 NDP Network Discovery Protocol; Neighbor Discovery Protocol
1797 NDSF Non Dispersion Shifted Fiber
1798 NDVR Network Digital Video Recording
1799 NE Network Element
1800 NEBS Network Equipment Building Standards; Network Equipment Building Systems
1801 NEC National Electric Code
1802 NEF Network Element Function
1803 NE/FE Near End/Far End
1804 NEG Negative Terminal
1805 NEID Network Element Identification
1806 NEIR Network Element Information Request
1807 NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
1808 NFS Networked File System
1809 NGDLC Next Generation Digital Loop Carrier
1810 NG L1 Next Generation Layer 1
1811 NGNA Next Generation Network Architecture
1812 NI Network Interface
1813 NIC Network Interface Card
1814 NID Network Interface Device
1815 NIDU Network Interface Data Unit
1816 NIS Network Infrastructure Solutions
1817 NIU Network Interface Unit
1818 NLA Network Layer Address; Network Layer Agent
1819 NLC Node Line Card
1820 NLD Neighbor Link Discovery
1821 NLPI Network Layer Protocol Identifier
1822 nm nanometer
1823 NM Network Management; Network Manager; Network Management; Node Manager
1824 NMA Network Monitoring and Analysis
1825 NME Network Management Ethernet
1826 NMF Node level Management Function
1827 NML Network Management Layer
1828 NMS Network Management System
1829 NN N key on keyboard for a no response
1830 NNI Network to Network Interface; Network Node Interface
1831 NNIF Network to Network Interface
1832 NNM Network Node Manager
1833 NNTP Network News Transfer Protocol
1834 NO Network Object; Normally Open (contacts)
1835 NOC Network Operations Center
1836 NOCC Network Operations Control Center
1837 NPC Network Parameter Control
1838 NPR Noise Power Ratio
1839 NR No Reply
1840 NRT Non Real Time
1841 NRTL Nationally Recognized Test Laboratory
1842 NRTVBR Non Real Time Variable Bit Rate
1843 NRZ Non Return to Zero
1844 ns Nanosecond
1845 NSA Non Service Affecting
1846 NSAP Network Service Access Point
1847 NSI Network Side Interface
1848 NSN Nationally Significant Number
1849 NSP Node Switch Provider; Node Switch Processor
1850 NT Window New Technology
1851 NTF No Trouble Found
1852 NTFCNCDE Notification Codes (TL1)
1853 NTFS New Technology File System
1854 NTP Network Time Protocol
1855 NTS Near Term Storage; Network Time Synchronization
1856 NTSC National Television Standards Committee
1857 NUT Non preemptive Unprotected Traffic
1858 NVM Non Volatile Memory
1859 NVRAM Nonvolatile Random Access Memory
1860 NZDSF Non Zero Dispersion Shifted Fiber
1861 OA Optical Amplifier
1862 OADM Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
1863 OAM Operations, Administration and Maintenance
1864 OAMCell Operations, Administration and Maintenance Cell
1865 OAMP Operation, Administration, Maintenance and Provisioning
1866 O BLSR Optical Bidirectional Line Switched Ring
1867 OC Optical Carrier
1868 OCAP OpenCable Application Platform
1869 OCH Optical Channel
1870 OCI Open Connection Indication
1871 OCT Octet Count
1872 OC 1 Optical Carrier level 1, SONET bit rate = 51.84 Mb/s
1873 OC 3 Optical Carrier level 3, SONET bit rate = 155.52 Mb/s
1874 OC 12 Optical Carrier level 12, SONET bit rate = 622.08 Mb/s
1875 OC 48 Optical Carrier level 48, SONET bit rate = 2.488 Gb/s
1876 OC 192 Optical Carrier level 192, SONET bit rate = 9.953 Gb/s
1877 OC n Optical Carrier number; Optical Carrier where N denotes a multiple of 51.84 Mb/s
1878 OCTU Optical Channel Transport Unit
1879 OCXO Oven Controlled Crystal Oscillator
1880 ODA Outlet Digital Adapter
1881 ODACS Optical Data Acquisition and Control System
1882 ODBMS Object Database Management System
1883 ODF Optical Distribution Frame
1884 ODPR Optically Dedicated Protection Ring
1885 ODUk Optical channel Data Unit where k is 1 or 2
1886 OEO Optical to Electronic to Optical
1887 OEPL Optical Ethernet Private Line
1888 OEPLAN Optical Ethernet Private Local Area Network
1889 OEVPL Optical Ethernet Virtual Private Line
1890 OEVPLAN Optical Ethernet Virtual Private Local Area Network
1891 OFC Open Fiber Control; Optical Fiber Communication
1892 OFDM Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
1893 OFS Out of Frame Second
1894 OID Object Identifier
1895 OIU Operator Interface Unit; Optical Interface Unit; Office Interface Unit
1896 OLA Optical Line Amplifier; Optical Link Analysis
1897 OLB Optical Link Budget
1898 OLM Optical Link Module
1899 OLMP Optical Link Management Protocol
1900 OLS Optical Line System
1901 OLT Optical Line Termination; Optical Line Terminal
1902 OLTP OSRP Link Termination Point
1903 OM Optical Module
1904 OMC Operation and Maintenance Center
1905 OMG Object Management Group
1906 OMS ON Center Management Suite
1907 ON Optical Network
1908 ONE Optical Network Element
1909 ONM ON Center Network Manager
1910 ONT Optical Network Terminal
1911 ONU Optical Network Unit
1912 OO Optical to Optical
1913 OOB Out of Band
1914 OOF Out of Frame
1915 OOK On Off Keying
1916 OOM1 Out of Multi Frame Stage 1
1917 OOM2 Out of Multi Frame Stage 2
1918 OOO Optical Optical Optical
1919 OOR Out of Range
1920 OOS Out of Service
1921 OSS AU Out of Service Autonomous
1922 OSS AUMA Out of Service Autonomous and Management
1923 OSS AURST Out of Service Autonomous and Restricted
1924 OOS MA Out of Service Management
1925 OOS MAANR Out of Service Management and Abnormal
1926 OpEx Operations Expenditure
1927 OPM Optical Performance Monitoring; Optical Power Meter
1928 OPR Optical Power Received
1929 OPS/INE Operations Provisioning System/Intelligent Network Element
1930 OPT Optical Power Transmit
1931 OPTORL Optical Return Loss
1932 OPTX AE OPTX Automation Engine
1933 OPTX NM OPTX Network Manager
1934 OpUk Optical channel payload Unit where k is 1 or 2
1935 OPVC Optical channel Payload Virtual Container (timeslot)
1936 ORB Object Request Broker
1937 ORIG Original; Originating
1938 ORL Optical Return Loss
1939 ORP Optical Routing Protocol
1940 OS Operating System
1941 OSA Optical Spectrum Analyzer
1942 OSC Optical Supervisory Channel; Optical Service Channel
1943 OSDS Operations Systems Data Server
1944 OSGI Open Services Gateway Initiative
1945 OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act
1946 OSI Open Systems Interconnection
1947 OSM OSC Splitter Module
1948 OSMINE Operations Systems Modifications for the Integration of Network Elements
1949 OSNR Optical Signal to Noise Ratio; Open Signal to Noise Ratio
1950 OSP Optical Signaling Protocol; Outside Plant
1951 OSPF Open Shortest Path First
1952 OSPR Optically Shared Protection Ring
1953 OSRP Optical Signaling and Routing Protocols
1954 OSS Operations Support System
1955 OSSAN Operations Support System Access Nodes
1956 OSWF On site Work Force
1957 OTC Operations Technical Center; Optical Transport Card
1958 OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
1959 OTGR Operations Technology Generic Requirements
1960 OTN Optical Transport Network
1961 OTS Optical Transport System
1962 OTS RPTR OTS Repeater
1963 OTU Optical Transport Unit
1964 OUI Organizationally Unique Identifier
1965 OUNI Optical User Network Interface
1966 O UPSR Optical Unidirectional Path Switched Ring
1967 OUSM Optical Utility Services Manager
1968 OUSP Optical Utility Services Platform
1969 OW Order Wire
1970 OXC Optical Cross Connect
1971 P2P Peer to Peer
1972 PA Port Adapter; Pre Amplifier
1973 PAD Power Attenuation Device
1974 PAN Personal Area Networking
1975 PARP Proxy ARP
1976 PAT Program Association Table
1977 PAX Path Adaptation and X Connect
1978 PB Petabyte
1979 PBX Private Branch Exchange
1980 PBOR Primary Backup Object Replication
1981 PC Personal Computer; Physical Contact; Processor Card
1982 PCA Protection Channel Access
1983 PCB Printed Circuit Board
1984 PCC Processor Communication Channel
1985 PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect
1986 PCN Program Change Notice; Product Change Notice
1987 PCM Pulse Code Modulation
1988 PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory Card Interface Adaptor
1989 PCMM PacketCable Multimedia
1990 PCO Pre Conditioned Order
1991 P Code Product Code
1992 PCR Peak Cell Rate
1993 PDA Personal Digital Assistant
1994 PDAP Power Distribution and Alarm Panel
1995 PDC Passive Dispersion Compensator
1996 PDF Portable Document Format
1997 PDH Pleisiochronous Digital Hierarchy
1998 PDI Payload Defect Indication
1999 PDL Polarization Dependent Loss
2000 PDP Policy Decision Point
2001 PDU Power Distribution Unit; Protocol Data Unit
2002 PEG Public, Education, Government
2003 PEM Processor Enhancement Module; Processor Element Module
2004 PEP Policy Enforcement Point
2005 PESQ Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality
2006 PFE Path Far End
2007 PFM Packet Forwarding Module
2008 PFO Premium Feature Open
2009 PG Peer Group; Protection Group
2010 PGID Peer Group Identifier
2011 PGL Peer Group Leader
2012 PHY Physical Layer Device; Physical
2013 PIC Programmable Interrupt Controller
2014 pid Password Identifier
2015 PID Personally Identifiable Data; Protocol Identifier; Packet Identifier; Personal Identification
2016 PIF Packet Interface FPGA
2017 PIN Photo Intrinsic; Positive Intrinsic Negative; Personal Identification Number
2018 PING Packet Internet Groper
2019 PIP Plug In Provisioning
2020 PJ Pointer Justification
2021 PL Packet Loss
2022 PLC Packet Loss Concealment
2023 PLCN Pilot Line Change Notification
2024 PLCP Physical Layer Convergence Protocol
2025 PLD Programmable Logic Device
2026 PLL Phase Locked Loop
2027 PLM Payload Label Mismatch
2028 PLM P Payload Label Mismatch Path
2029 PLM V Payload Label Mismatch VT
2030 PLN PNNI Logical Node
2031 PLO Path Layer Overhead
2032 PM Performance Management; Performance Monitoring; Program Manager; Project Manager
2033 PMA Power Management Algorithm
2034 PMBB Performance Monitoring Building Block
2035 PMD Polarization Mode Dispersion
2036 PMDC PMD Compensator
2037 PMM Power Management Module
2038 PMP Point to MultiPoint
2039 PN Physical Node
2040 PNC Physical Node Controller
2041 PNNI Private Network to Network Interface; Private Network Node Interface
2042 PO Purchase Order
2043 POH Path Overhead
2044 PON Passive Optical Network
2045 POP Point of Presence
2046 POR Power on Reset
2047 POS Packet over SONET; Positive Terminal
2048 POST Power on Self Test
2049 POTS Plain Old Telephone Service
2050 PPC Power PC
2051 PPD Partial Packet Discard
2052 PPJC Positive Pointer Justification Count
2053 PPL Point to Point Link
2054 ppm Pulse Position Modulation; Pulses per Million
2055 PPM Parts per Minute; Parts per Million; Pulses per Million
2056 Pport Physical port
2057 PPP Point to Point Protocol
2058 PPS Path Protection Switched; Pulses per Second
2059 PPT Power Passing Tap
2060 PRBS Pseudo Random Bit Sequence
2061 PRC Primary Reference Clock
2062 PRI Primary Rate Interface
2063 PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
2064 PROT Protocol; Protection
2065 PRNG Pseudo Random Number Generators
2066 PRS Primary Reference Source
2067 PS Power Supply; Policy Server
2068 ps/nm km Pico second
2069 PSA PacketCable Service Agreement
2070 PSBF Protection Switching Byte Failure
2071 PSC Protection Switching Count
2072 PSD Protection Switching Duration
2073 PSEL Presentation Suite
2074 PSI Program Specific Information
2075 PSL Path Signal Label
2076 PSM Persistent Stored Module
2077 PSN Packet Switch Node; Packet Switched Network
2078 P SNC Permanent SNC
2079 PSQM Perceptual Speech Quality Measurement
2080 PSR Protection Side Regeneration; Path Switched Ring
2081 PST Primary State; Pacific Standard Time
2082 PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network
2083 PSU Power Supply Unit; Packet Switch Unit
2084 PT Pass Through; Payload Type
2085 PTE Path Terminating Equipment
2086 PTI Payload Type Indicator
2087 PTP Physical Termination Point; Point To Point; Path Termination Point
2088 PTSE PNNI Topology State Element
2089 PTSP PNNI Topology State Packet
2090 PV Protocol Violation
2091 PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit; Poly Vinyl Chloride; Private Virtual Circuit
2092 PVR Personal Video Recorder
2093 PWB Printed Wire Board
2094 PWM Pulse Width Modulation
2095 PWR Power
2096 Q3 Telecommunications Management Network (TMN) Interface
2097 QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation
2098 QL Quality Level
2099 QMC QUICC Multichannel Controller
2100 QoS Quality of Service
2101 QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
2102 QUICC Quad Integrated Communications Controller
2103 R&D Research and Development
2104 R/W Read/Write
2105 RADIUS Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
2106 RAI Remote Alarm Indication
2107 RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disk; Redundant Array of Independent Disk
2108 RAIG Resource Availability Information Group
2109 RAM Random Access Memory
2110 RAN Regional Area Network
2111 RBF Reconfigurable Blocking Filter
2112 RBOC Regional Bell Operating Company
2113 RBM Regional Business Manager
2114 RBW Resolution Bandwidth
2115 RCC Routing Control Channel
2116 RCV Receiver
2117 RCVR Receiver
2118 RDF Rate Decrease Factor
2119 RDI Remote Defect Indication
2120 RDI L Remote Defect Indication Line
2121 RDI P Remote Defect Indication Path
2122 RED Random Early Detection; Random Early Discard
2123 REF Reference
2124 REI Remote Error Indication
2125 REI L Remote Error Indication Line
2126 REI P Remote Error Indication Path
2127 Rev. Revision
2128 RF Radio Frequency
2129 RFC Request for Comment
2130 RFI Radio Frequency Interference; Remote Failure Indication; Request for Information
2131 RFI L Remote Failure Indication (detected at the line layer)
2132 RFI P Remote Failure Indication (detected at the path layer)
2133 RG Residential Gateway
2134 R.H. Relative Humidity
2135 RHC Regional Holding Company
2136 RIB Routing Information Base
2137 RIN Relative Intensity Noise
2138 RIP Routing Information Protocol
2139 RJ Registered Jack
2140 RKS Record Keeping Server
2141 RMA Return Material Authorization; Replace Material Authorization
2142 RMAN Recovery Manager
2143 RMI Remote Method Invocation
2144 RMS Root Mean Square
2145 RNR Not Ready to Receive; Remote Failure Indication
2146 ROADM Re configurable Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
2147 ROC Regional Operations Center
2148 ROI Return on Investment
2149 ROM Read Only Memory
2150 RPM Revolutions per Minute
2151 RPR Resilient Packet Ring
2152 RR Ready to Receive; Reverse Request
2153 RRB Reliability Review Board
2154 RRO Record Route Object
2155 RR R Reverse Request Ring
2156 RR S Reverse Request Span
2157 RS Regenerator Section; Reed Solomon
2158 RS E Ring Switch East
2159 RSOH Regenerator Section Overhead
2160 RSP Route Switch Processor
2161 RST Regenerator Section Terminating
2162 RSVP Resource Reservation Protocol
2163 RSVP TE Resource Reservation Protocol with Traffic Engineering
2164 RS W Ring Switch West
2165 RT Remote Terminal; Real Time
2166 RTC Real Time Clock
2167 RTI Real Time Ingest
2168 RTN Return (voltage return)
2169 RTOS Real Time Operating System
2170 RTP Routing Table Protocol; Real Time Transport Protocol; Routine Task Procedure
2171 RTRV Retrieve
2172 RTS Ready to Send; Request to Send; Real Time Operation System
2173 RTSP Real Time Streaming Protocol
2174 RTT Round trip Time
2175 RTU Right to Use
2176 RTVBR Real Time Variable Bit Rate Traffic
2177 RU Rack Unit
2178 RW Rewind
2179 RWA Routing and Wavelength Assignment
2180 R/W Read/Write
2181 RX Receive
2182 Rx Line Receive Line
2183 RZ Return to Zero
2184 RZ DPSK Return to Zero Differential Phase Shift Keying
2185 s Second
2186 s.f. Square Foot
2187 S/IMP Signal to Impulse Ratio
2188 S/N Signal to Noise Ratio
2189 SA Service Affecting
2190 SAAL Signaling ATM Adaptation Layer
2191 SABLIME Product Administration System (AT&T)
2192 SADM04 e SONET/SDH Add/Drop Multiplexer (ONLINE Edge Platform)
2193 SAN Storage Area Network
2194 SAP Secondary Audio Program
2195 SAR Segmentation and Reassembly
2196 SARP Switching Address Resolution Protocol
2197 SAS Severely Errored Frame and AIS Seconds
2198 SASE Standalone Synchronization
2199 SATA Serial AT Attachment
2200 SATT Synchronization, Alarms, and Telemetry Termination
2201 SAW Surface Acoustic Wave
2202 SBLK Errored Superblocks
2203 SBS Stimulated Brillouin Scattering
2204 SBV Switched Broadcast Video
2205 SBW Signal Bandwidth
2206 SC Service Channel; Square Connector; Shelf Controller
2207 SCC Serial Communications Controller; Serial Communications Channels
2208 SCCI Small Computer System Interface
2209 S CDMA Synchronous Code Division Multiple Access
2210 SCM Service Channel Modem; Sub carrier Multiplexing
2211 SCN Service Channel Network; Shared Content Network
2212 SCR Sustainable Cell Rate; Silicon Controlled Rectifier
2213 SCSI Small Computer System Interface
2214 SCTE Society of Cable Telecommunications Engineers
2215 SD Signal Degrade; Signal Detect; Standard Definition
2216 SDCC Section Data Communications Channel
2217 SDH industries cable Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
2218 SDI Secure Digital Interface; Serial Digital Interface
2219 SDL Synchronous Data Link; Synchronous Delay Line
2220 SDLC Synchronous Data Link Control
2221 SDMH Severely Degraded Modem Hours
2222 SDP Session Description Protocol
2223 SD P Signal Degrade Path
2224 SD R Signal Degrade Ring
2225 SDRAM Synchronized Dynamic Random Access Memory
2226 SD S Signal Degrade Span
2227 SDTV Standard Definition Television
2228 SDU Service Data Unit
2229 SE Systems Engineer
2230 SEAL Simple and Efficient Adaptation Layer
2231 SEC Secondary
2232 SEF Severely Errored Framing
2233 SEFS Severely Errored Frame Seconds
2234 SEFS S Severely Errored Framing Seconds Section
2235 SEM Service Entitlement Manager
2236 SEMS Severely Errored Multi frame Seconds
2237 SerDes Serializer/DeSerializer
2238 SES Severely Errored Seconds
2239 SES L Severely Errored Seconds Line
2240 SES LFE Severely Errored Seconds Line Far End
2241 SES P Severely Errored Seconds Path
2242 SES PFE Severely Errored Seconds Path Far End
2243 SESR Severely Errored Second Ratio
2244 SES RS Severely Errored Seconds Regenerator Section
2245 SES S Severely Errored Seconds Section
2246 SES V Severely Errored Seconds VT
2247 SES VFE Severely Errored Seconds VT Far End
2248 SETS Synchronous Equipment Timing Source
2249 SF Signal Failure; Super Frame
2250 SFD Start of Frame Delimiter
2251 SFDADM02 e SONET/SDH Framed Data Add/Drop Multiplexer (ONLINE Edge Platform)
2252 SFF Small Form Factor (connector)
2253 SFO Sync Frequency Offset
2254 SFP Small Form factor Pluggable
2255 SF R Signal Failure Ring
2256 SF S Signal Failure Span
2257 SG Signaling Gateway
2258 SGC Signaling Gateway Controller
2259 sh Bourne Shell
2260 SHx Shelf Number
2261 SI Serial Interface; Service Independent
2262 SIC System Integrity Control; Standard Industrial Classification
2263 SID System Identification number; Source Identifier
2264 SIF SONET Interoperability Forum; Switch Interface FPGA
2265 SIM Service Interface Module
2266 SIP Session Initiation Protocol
2267 SLA Service Level Agreement
2268 SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
2269 SLM Service Layer Manager
2270 SLOSS Synchronization Loss
2271 SLR Service Level Report
2272 SM Single Mode; Switching Module; Shelf Manager
2273 SMB Small and Medium Business
2274 SMC Serial Management Controllers; Standard Management Committee
2275 SMDS Switched Multimegabit Data Service
2276 SME Small and Medium Enterprise
2277 SMF Single Mode Fiber
2278 SMIR Single Mode Intermediate Reach
2279 SML Service Management Layer
2280 SMLR Single Mode Long Reach
2281 SMM Service Mediation Module
2282 SMON Switch Monitor
2283 SMOP Service Method of Procedure
2284 SMS Service Management Suite
2285 SMT Surface Mount Technology; Self Monitoring Task
2286 S MTA Standalone Multimedia Terminal Adaptor
2287 SNA Systems Network Architecture
2288 SNC Subnetwork Connection; Subnetwork Controller
2289 SNCP Subnetwork Connection Protection
2290 SNCP/I Subnetwork Connection Protection/Inherent monitoring
2291 SNCP/N Subnetwork Connection Protection/Non intrusive monitoring
2292 SNM Switching Network Manager
2293 SNMP Simple Network Management Protocol
2294 SNP Sequence Number Protection
2295 SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
2296 SNTP Simple Network Time Protocol
2297 SOA Semiconductor Optical Amplifier
2298 SOADM Select Optical Add/Drop Multiplexer
2299 SOF Start of Frame
2300 SOH Section Overhead; State of Health
2301 SOHO Small Office/Home Office
2302 SONET industries_cable Synchronous Optical Network
2303 SOP Standard Operating Procedure
2304 SP Shelf Processor; Shelf Pump
2305 SPC SONET Permanent Circuit
2306 SPE Synchronous Payload Envelope
2307 SPF Shortest Path First
2308 SPI Serial Peripheral Interface; Service Provider Interface
2309 SPM Self Phase Modulation
2310 SPR/SPRing Shared Protection Ring
2311 SPTP Service Path Termination Point
2312 SPVC Soft Permanent Virtual Connection; Soft Permanent Virtual Circuit
2313 SQL Structured Query Language
2314 SR Short Reach (fiber)
2315 SRAM Static Random Access Memory
2316 SRD Software Release Document
2317 SRN Software Release Notice
2318 SRS Stimulated Raman Scattering
2319 SRTS Synchronous Residual Time Stamp
2320 SRVEFF Service Affecting (TL1)
2321 SSB Single Sideband
2322 SSCOP Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol
2323 SSCS Service Specific Convergence Sublayer
2324 SSEL Session Selector
2325 SSF Server Signal Failure
2326 SSL Secure Sockets Layer
2327 SSM Synchronization Status Messages
2328 SSMF Standard Single Mode Fiber
2329 SST Secondary Service State
2330 SSTUR Site Specific Turn Up Report
2331 SSU Synchronization Supply Unit
2332 ST Straight Terminus; Straight Tip
2333 ST1 Stratum 1
2334 ST2 Stratum 2
2335 ST3 Stratum 3
2336 ST3E Stratum 3 Enhanced
2337 ST4 Stratum 4 (Asynchronous)
2338 STB Set Top Box
2339 STC Stacking and Timing Card
2340 STE Section Terminating Equipment; Section Terminating Element
2341 STII (2) Type of optical connector
2342 STM Synchronous Transfer Mode
2343 STM 0 Synchronous Transfer Mode level 0, SDH bit rate = 51.84 Mb/s
2344 STM 1 Synchronous Transfer Mode level 1, SDH bit rate = 155.52 Mb/s
2345 STM 4 Synchronous Transfer Mode level 4, SDH bit rate = 622.08 Mb/s
2346 STM 16 Synchronous Transfer Mode level 16, SDH bit rate = 2488.32 Mb/s
2347 STM 64 Synchronous Transfer Mode level 64, SDH bit rate = 9953.28 Mb/s
2348 STM n Synchronous Transport Module "n"
2349 STM nC Synchronous Transport Module of level n concatenated
2350 STMX SONET/SDH Thin Multiplexer
2351 STP Spanning Tree Protocol; Shielded Twisted Pair
2352 STS Synchronous Transport Signal
2353 STS 1 Synchronous Transport Signal Level 1
2354 STS 3 Synchronous Transport Signal Level 3
2355 STS 3c Synchronous Transport Signal Level 3, concatenated
2356 STS n Synchronous Transport Signal "n"
2357 STS Nc Contiguous Concatenation of N STS 1 SPEs
2358 STS N Xv Virtual Concatenation of X STS N SPEs
2359 STU Secure Telephone Unit; Synchronized, Traceability Unknown; Stratum Traceability Unknown
2360 STU P Stratum Traceability Unknown Provisioned
2361 SVC Switched Virtual Circuit
2362 SVCC Switched Virtual Channel Connection
2363 SVOD Subscription Video on Demand
2364 SVP Secure Video Processor
2365 SVPC Switched Virtual Path Connection
2366 SW Software
2367 SWCA Split Working Channel Access
2368 SWID Software Identifier
2369 SWOD Software ODACS
2370 SX Short Reach as in 1000Base SX
2371 SYNC Synchronization
2372 SYNCIO Synchronized Input/Output
2373 SYSLOG System Log
2374 T1 Service or line operation at the DS 1 rate
2375 T3 Digital Carrier System for DS3 Signals
2376 TAC Transport Aggregated Circuit; Technical Assistance Center
2377 TADR Target Address
2378 TADRMAP Target Address Map
2379 TAP Test Access Port; Technician Access Port
2380 TARP Target Identifier Address Resolution Protocol
2381 TB Terabyte
2382 TBOS Telemetry Byte Oriented Serial Protocol
2383 TBU Transport Bandwidth Unit
2384 TBUS Timing Bus
2385 TC Transmission Convergence; Transport Complex; Transport Channel
2386 TCA Threshold Crossing Alert; Timing Control and Access
2387 TCBE Total Corrected Bit Error
2388 TCM Trellis Coded Modulation; Transport Channel Members
2389 TCMO Transport Complex Managed Object
2390 TCP Transmission Control Protocol; Trouble Cleaning Procedure
2391 TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
2392 TCTP Transparent Connection Termination Point
2393 TD Traffic Director
2394 TDEV Time Deviation
2395 TDM Time Division Multiplexing
2396 TE Terminal Equipment
2397 TEAL CoreDirector® Events, Alarms, and Logging
2398 TEC Thermo Electric Cooler
2399 TED Traffic Engineering Database
2400 TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier; Terminal Equipment Identifier
2401 Telco Telephone Company
2402 TELR Talker Echo Loudness Rating
2403 TEO Telephone Equipment Order
2404 TERM Termination
2405 TFT Thin Film Transistor
2406 TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
2407 TG Timing Generator
2408 TGCP Trunking Gateway Control Protocol
2409 TGS Time Generation System
2410 THEC Corrected Type Header Error Correction Code
2411 THz TeraHertz (1012 hertz)
2412 TIA Telecommunications Industry Association
2413 TID Target Identification; Terminal Identification
2414 TIE Time Interval Error
2415 TIM Trace Identifier Mismatch; Transmit Intermediate Multiplexer
2416 TIM S Trace Identifier Mismatch Section
2417 TIRKS Trunk Integrated Record Keeping System
2418 TISSA Time Space Switch Application Specific Integrated Circuit
2419 TKIP Temporal Key Integrity Protocol
2420 TL 1 CLI Transaction Language One, Command Line Interface
2421 TL 1 Transaction Language 1
2422 TLI Transaction Language Command Line Interface
2423 TLC Transport Logical Connection
2424 TLS Transparent LAN Services
2425 TLSR Transoceanic Line Switched Ring
2426 TLV Type Length Value
2427 TM Timing Module; Transaction Manager
2428 TML Telephony Markup Language
2429 TMN Telecommunications Management Network
2430 TMO Trans Metro Optical (platform)
2431 tmout Time Out
2432 tmper Time Period
2433 TMUX Terminal Multiplexer
2434 TNL Ethernet Tunneling
2435 TNM Transport Network Management
2436 TOD Television on Demand
2437 ToD Time of Day
2438 TOH Transport Overhead
2439 TOP Task Oriented Practice; Task Oriented Procedure
2440 TOS Type of Service
2441 TP Termination Point
2442 TPFI Timing Plane Fault Isolation
2443 TR Technical Reference
2444 TRIB Tributary
2445 tRTO TCP Retransmit Timeout
2446 TrTOH Transparent Transport Overhead
2447 TS Time Slot; Time Stamp; Time Synchronization
2448 TSA Time Slot Assignment
2449 TSD Transport System Division
2450 TSE Topology State Element
2451 TSEL Transport Selector
2452 TSF Transport Signal Failure
2453 TSG Timing Signal Generator
2454 TSI Time Slot Interchange; Time Switch Interchange
2455 TSR Technical Service Representative
2456 TSX Time Space Switch ASIC
2457 TTE Transparent Terminal Equipment
2458 TTL Transistor Transistor Logic; Time to Live
2459 TTP Trail Termination Point
2460 TTTP Transparent Trail Termination Point
2461 TU Tributary Unit; Transmission Unit
2462 TUG Tributary Unit Group
2463 TUG n Tributary Unit Group, level n
2464 TU n Tributary Unit, level n
2465 TV Television
2466 TW TrueWave
2467 TWC TrueWave Classic
2468 Tx Line Transmit Line
2469 TX Transmit
2470 UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter
2471 UAS Unavailable Seconds
2472 UAS L Unavailable Seconds Line
2473 UAS LFE Unavailable Seconds Line Far End
2474 UAS P Unavailable Seconds Path
2475 UAS PFE Unavailable Seconds Path Far End
2476 UAS RS Unavailable Seconds Regenerator Section
2477 UAS S Unavailable Seconds Section
2478 UAS V Unavailable Seconds VT
2479 UAS VFE Unavailable Seconds VT Far End
2480 UASL Unavailable Second Count Line
2481 UASP Unavailable Second Count Path
2482 UAT Unavailable Time
2483 UB Uncorrected Block
2484 UBRVBR Unspecified Bit Rate Variable Bit Rate
2485 UBR Undefined Bit Rate; Unspecified Bit Rate
2486 UC User Channel
2487 UCA Unswitched Channel Access
2488 UCBE Uncorrectable Block Error
2489 UCD Upstream Channel Descriptor
2490 UD Unconditional Disconnect
2491 UDLR Unidirectional Link Routing
2492 UDP User Datagram Protocol
2493 UDR Unconditional Disconnect Response
2494 UEQ Unequipped
2495 UFEC Ultra Forward Error Correction
2496 UGC Universal Gateway Carrier
2497 UGS Unsolicited Grant Service
2498 UHD Ultra High Density
2499 UHF Ultra High Frequency
2500 UI User Interface
2501 UID User Identifier
2502 UITS Unacknowledged Information Transfer Service
2503 UL Underwriters Laboratories
2504 ULH Ultra Long Haul
2505 ULSDCC Upper Layer Section Data Communications Channel
2506 UNEs Unbundled Network Elements
2507 UNEQ Unequipped Path; Unequipped
2508 UNEQ P Unequipped Path
2509 UNEQ V Unequipped VT
2510 UNI/UNIF User Network Interface
2511 UNII Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure
2512 UOG Universal OSS Gateway
2513 UPC Ultra Physical Contact; Universal Packet Carrier; Usage Parameter Control
2514 UPnP Universal Plug and Play
2515 UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
2516 UPSR Unidirectional Path Switched Ring
2517 URI Universal Resource Identifier
2518 URL Universal Resource Locator
2519 US Upstream
2520 USA Universal Shelf Amplifier
2521 USB Universal Serial Bus
2522 USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
2523 UTC Universal Time Coordinated; Universal Transport Carrier
2524 UTOPIA Universal Test and Operations Physical Interface for ATM
2525 UTP Unprotected Termination Point; Unshielded Twisted Pair
2526 UV Ultraviolet
2527 UVC Universal Voice Carrier; Universal Video Carrier
2528 V Voltage
2529 V/A Video/Audio
2530 VAC Volts Alternating Current
2531 VAD Voice Activity Detection
2532 VAP Virtual Access Partitioning
2533 VBI Vertical Blanking Interval
2534 VBR Variable Bit Rate
2535 VC Virtual Circuit; Virtual Channel; Virtual Container; Virtual Concatenation
2536 VC N Virtual Container Level N (N=11, 12, 2, 3, 4)
2537 VC N Xc Contiguous Concatenation of X Virtual Containers at Level N
2538 VC N Xv Virtual Concatenation of X Virtual containers at Level N
2539 VCAT Virtual Concatenation
2540 VCC Virtual Channel Connection
2541 VCG Virtual Concatenation Group
2542 VCI Virtual Channel Identifier
2543 VCL Virtual Channel Link
2544 VCM Virtual Concatenation group Member
2545 VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
2546 VCR Video Cassette Recorder
2547 VCSEL Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser
2548 VCXO Voltage Controlled Crystal Oscillator
2549 VDC Volts Direct Current
2550 VDSL Very high bit rate Digital Subscriber Line
2551 VF Virtual Fiber; Virtual Facility
2552 VFTP Virtual Facility Termination Point
2553 VG Virtual Group
2554 VGA Variable Gain Amplifier
2555 VHF Very High Frequency
2556 VLAN Virtual Local Area Network
2557 VLR Very Long Reach
2558 VLSR Virtual Line Switched Ring
2559 VM Voice Mail; Virtual Memory
2560 VOA Variable Optical Attenuator
2561 VOD Video on Demand
2562 VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol
2563 VOM Volt Ohm Meter
2564 VOQ Virtual Output Queuing
2565 VOW Voice Order Wire
2566 VP Virtual Path
2567 VPC Virtual Path Connection
2568 VPCI Virtual Path Connection Identifier
2569 VPG Virtual Path Group
2570 VPI Virtual Path Identifier
2571 VPI/VCI Combined, VPI and VCI identify a connection on an ATM Network
2572 VPL Virtual Path Link
2573 VPLS Virtual Private LAN Service
2574 VPN Virtual Private Network
2575 VPSP Virtual Path Switch Protection
2576 VRRP Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
2577 VSA Virtual Scheduling Algorithm; Vector Signal Analyzer
2578 VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal
2579 VSI Vendor Specific Information
2580 VSR Very Short Reach
2581 VT Virtual Tributary
2582 VTG Virtual Tributary Group
2583 VT 100 Terminal Emulation System
2584 V UNI Virtual User Network Interface
2585 W Watt; Working
2586 WAD Wavelength Add and Drop
2587 WAN Wide Area Network
2588 WB Working Band; Westbound
2589 WCA Working Channel Access
2590 WCI Wavelength Converter Interface
2591 WCI RT Wavelength Converter Interface Rate Tunable
2592 WCIRT e Wavelength Converter Interface Rate Tunable (ONLINE Edge Platform)
2593 WCSS WDM Capable Switching System
2594 WDM Wavelength Division Multiplexing
2595 WDT Watchdog timer
2596 W DCS Wideband Digital Cross Connect System
2597 WECA Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance
2598 WEP Wired Equivalency Privacy
2599 WFA Workforce Automation
2600 WFM Workforce Management
2601 WFQ Weighted Fair Queuing
2602 WIF Wide Area Network Interface
2603 WiFi Wireless Fidelity
2604 WiMedia An alliance for Wireless Multimedia
2605 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network
2606 WM9 Windows Media Player Version 9
2607 WPA Wireless (WiFi) Protected Access
2608 WPS Working/Protect Splitter
2609 WSS Wavelength Selective Switch
2610 WRED Weighted Random Early Discard; Weighted Random Early Detection
2611 WTR Wait to Restore
2612 WWN World Wide Name
2613 X.25 Packet Switched Communications Interface
2614 XC Cross Connect
2615 XCVR Transceiver
2616 XDSL See DSL (Digital Subscriber Line)
2617 XFP 10 Gb/s small form factor pluggable transceiver
2618 XML Extensible Markup Language
2619 XMTR Transmitter
2620 XPM Cross Phase Modulation
2621 ZAC Zero Administration Client
2622 ZWP Zero Water Peak

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