Micro processor Lab Manual / Addition of two 16 bit numbers

Program Name

Write a Assembly Language Program for Addition of two 16 bit numbers.
Instruction Mnemonic Operand Comments
LDA 8100 Load contents of 8100 half 1st input of 16-bit into accumulator
MOV B,A Move content of Acc to register B
LDA 8200 Load the 2nd i/p half 8-bit of 16 bit to accumulator
ADD B Add the content of reg B to accumulator and store in accumulator
STA 8300 Store result of 1st 8-bit in 8300
LDA 8101 Load 1st remaining 8-bit input of 16-bit to accumulator
MOV B,A Move 2nd 8-bit input of 16-bit input to register B
LDA 8201 Load 2nd input of 1st remaining half 16-bit input
ADC B Add with carry content of reg B to accumulator
STA 8301 Store result 8301
HLT Stop
Program Code

Online compiler for 8085 Microprocess Compiler

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