Micro processor Lab Manual / Control traffic at form way function ALP

Program Name

Write a Assembly Language Program for Control traffic at form way function .
Instruction Mnemonic Operand Comments
MVI A,80 Load accumulator with 80H to configure Control word register of 8255
OUT CWR Configure CWR to display output with accumulator value i.e 80
LXI H, Inputs Required to Store the inputs (8060)
MVI C,05 05H is moved to register C representing 5 states (N,S,W,E, Pedestrians)
MOV A,M Copy the contents of memory to accumulator
OUT PA Configure output port A by sending content of accumulator to port A
INX H Increment the value of H to take input
MOV A,M Copy the contents of memory to accumulator
OUT PB Configure output port B by sending content of accumulator to port B
INX H Increment H
MOV A,M Move contents of memory to accumulator
OUT PC Configure output port C by sending content of accumulator to output port C
INX H Increment H
MVI B,14 Move 14 H to register in order to give some amount of delay
CALL DLY Calling the delay function
MOV A,M Load the contents of memory to accumulator
OUT PA Configure output port A by sending content of accumulator to port A
INX H Increment H
MOV A,M Load the contents of memory to accumulator
OUT PB Configure output port A by sending content of accumulator to port B
INX H Increment H
MOV A,M Load the contents of memory to accumulator
OUT PC Configure output port A by sending content of accumulator to port C
INX H Increment H
MVI B,04 H Mentioning time for delay
CALL DLY Calling Delay
DCR C Decrement value of C which has number of states
JNZ XX Jump if not zero to label xx
JMP AGAIN Jump to label Again

Delay Code
Instruction Mnemonic Operand Comments
LXI D,FFFF Providing 16-bit of delay
DCX D Decrement value of D
MOV A,D Move contents of D to accumulator
ORA E Logical OR operation is performed between accumulator and specified register
JNZ YY Jump if not zero to label yy
DCR B Decrement value of B
JNZ DLY Jump if not zero and call 16-bit of delay
RET Return
Program Code

8060 - 88,83,F2		8063-88, 84, F0		8066 -38, 88, F4	8069 – 48, 88, F0
806C – 83, 88, F8  	806F – 84, 88, F0	8072 – 88, 38, F1	8075 – 88, 48, F0
8078 – 88, 88, 00 	807B – 88, 88, 00

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