Micro processor Lab Manual / Find Largest Of 8 Numbers ALP

Program Name

Write a Assembly Language Program for Find Largest Of 8 Numbers .
Instruction Mnemonic Operand Comments
LXI H,8100 The instruction loads 16-bit data in the HL register pair
MVI C,07 Move immediately input data to register C
MOV A,M Move contents of memory and carry to accumulator
INX H Increment register pair by 1
CMP M The contents of memory are compared with accumulator
JNC XX Jump to memory address 800C if the carry flag is set to 0
MOV A,M Move contents of memory and carry to accumulator
DCR C The contents of register C are decremented by 1 and the result is stored in register C
JNZ YY Jump to memory address 8006 if the zero flag is 0
STA 8200 The contents of accumulator are copied into the memory address 8200
HLT The processor finishes executing the current instruction and halts any further execution.
Program Code

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