Micro processor Lab Manual / Generate downgoing sawtooth ALP

Program Name

Write a Assembly Language Program for Generate downgoing sawtooth .
Instruction Mnemonic Operand Comments
MVI A,80 Load accumulator with 80H to configure CWR of 8255.
OUT CWR Configure CWR to display output with accumulator value. i.e 80
MVI A,FF Initialize accumulator with FFH to display ongoing sawtooth from bottom of screen.
OUT PA Send the value FFH through output port A.(which is displayed on screen as single dot).
OUT PB Send the value FFH through output port B.
DCR A Decrement the value of accumulator to extend the downgoing sawtooth.
JMP BK Jump back to display decremented value as an output.
Program Code

Online compiler for 8085 Microprocess Compiler

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